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Maduro calls Zelensky a “clown” and considers him “harmful” to the people of Ukraine

The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduroreferred this Monday to his counterpart from the Ukraine, Volodimir Zelenskyas a “clown” It is “harmful” to the Ukrainian people, while supporting the recent message of Pope Francis about having the courage to negotiate the end of the war in the European country.

Mature, close ally of Russiaassured that “The time has come to negotiate peace” in Ukrainewhose president also called “rude” It is “defeated“, and compared him with the anti-Chavista and former president of National Assembly (AN, Parliament) Juan Guaidówhom he considers “harmful”to the Venezuelan people.

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Zelensky, the president of Ukraine, (…) increasingly seems to me like Guaidó, as clownish, as rude and as defeated as Guaidó, as harmful to his people as Guaidó“, he expressed on his weekly program ‘With Mature +‘, broadcast on the state channel VTV.

Likewise, he expressed his firm support for “words and the call for peace in Ukraine of Pope Francis”, who said on Saturday that in the war in this European country there should be “the courage of the white flag” It is “Negotiate“, That is a “brave word”, to achieve an end to the conflict.

The pontiff’s words were harshly criticized in Ukraine, which called for Vatican support the cause of the Ukrainian people.

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On the other hand, Maduro stated that there is a “psychological warfare”with threats of“a European escalation of the Ukrainian war“with the aim of”scare the Russian people into not voting”from the president Vladimir Putin in the March 17 elections.

However, the Chavista leader predicted a “overwhelming triumph”by Putin, who will tell“with the support of the Russian people to continue building great Russia”.

Source: Elcomercio

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