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Argentina begins diplomatic actions against Venezuela for banning the use of airspace

Argentina initiated diplomatic actions against Venezuela after the government of Nicolás Maduro prohibit Argentine aircraft from flying over Venezuelan airspace, official sources reported this Tuesday.

As explained by the Argentine presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorniat his usual press conference at Pink House (government headquarters),Argentina “He will not allow himself to be extorted by his friends of terrorism.”

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Argentina initiated diplomatic actions against Government of Venezuelaheaded by the dictator Maturefollowing his decision to prevent the use of the country’s airspace by any Argentine aircraft, with the damage that this entails for our country.”said the spokesperson.

The measure of Caracashe indicated Adorniis related to the case of the Venezuelan plane Boeing 747 which was carried out in Argentina since June 2022 and sent last February to U.S.

Although the Argentine Executive spokesperson did not go into details, EFE learned from other sources that Argentina presented a note of protest to Venezuela on March 8 “due to the decision to suspend the overflight authorizations of Argentine airlines in space Venezuelan air”.

In this text, Argentina also announced that it would take measures in the area of International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) by “violates the Convention on International Civil Aviation”, known as Chicago Convention (1944).

According to these sources, Venezuela responded yesterday by “ratifying the suspension” and linking this ban to the case of the aforementioned aircraft.

In the early hours of February 12th, the Boeing 747-300M Dreamliner cargo, which belonged to the Iranian company Mahan Air and currently belonged to Emtrasulsubsidiary of the Venezuelan airline Conviasacompanies sanctioned by the United States Treasury Department, left for the United States in response to a confiscation request.

The crew that had arrived Argentina on June 6, 2022, made up of five Iranians and fourteen Venezuelans, he was initially detained by the courts and later released due to lack of evidence of the crime of financing terrorist activities.

The plane had arrived Argentina in Mexico and after making a stopover in Venezuela. Two days later he left Argentina to refuel Uruguaybut returned to Ezeiza International Airport (province of good air), because the neighboring country did not authorize their landing.

The Argentine court then ordered the ship to be immobilized and ordered that the 19 crew members could not leave the country. As the investigation progressed, the crew members were released.

The justification of the allegation by U.S is that it was an Iranian entity sanctioned by the Department of Commerce that transferred the plane – manufactured in the United States – to a third party, something prohibited precisely for the purposes of the sanction.

Before the plane leaves for U.Sa confusing episode was added, on February 6, when a Venezuelan diplomat in good air He breached security and took photos of the aircraft, for which he was declared persona non grata and left the country within the next 48 hours.

Two weeks after the plane’s departure, on February 29, Mature reported U.S by him “vile, criminal and outrageous act” in “quarter”the aircraft in Miami (Florida).

Source: Elcomercio

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