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Decomposing body of Haitian migrant found in northern Chile

Decomposing body of Haitian migrant found in northern Chile

Decomposing body of Haitian migrant found in northern Chile

The corpse in a state of decomposition of a woman of Haitian nationality was found this Saturday in the town chilean of Colchane, on the border with Bolivia, a place through which hundreds of migrantsMunicipality sources informed Efe.

The body was found naked in a stream in an area of ​​difficult access and the district attorney, Hardy Torres, indicated that the woman must have been dead for about a month, according to local media.

At the moment the causes of his death are unknown, something that will have to be established in the autopsy and scientific examination, said the prosecutor.

From the Carabineros police force they said that “externally” It does not appear that there has been any intervention by third parties, specifying, however, that “Given how long it has been there, it is difficult to say with any degree of certainty at this point.”

The border crossing between the small Chilean town of Colchane and Bolivia, an Andean area more than 3,600 meters above sea level, has in recent months become a common route for foreigners to arrive in Chile irregularly.

It is an abrupt area, with extreme temperatures of heat in the day and cold at night and that so far this year 13 people have been killed, —without including the body now found because the causes are unknown— that They entered Chile through clandestine border crossings.

“It is sad to continue seeing how human beings expose their lives to cross the border without knowing the extreme temperatures and the diffuse geography, many times deceived or abandoned by third parties; For this reason, I will continue to insist on the urgent need to seek effective solutions to avoid this type of very unfortunate events.”, The mayor of Colchane, Javier García, told the press.

The north of the country has been experiencing a strong migration crisis for months that has worsened in recent days with the entry of hundreds of people, the collapse of some border towns and a climate of maximum tension between foreigners and locals with marches in favor and against migration.

The Government announced last week the deployment of camps and shelters in this town, as well as in Colchane and Huara, two small border towns.

Despite the pandemic and the social crisis that lasted for more than a year, Chile continues to be one of the most attractive countries to migrate within Latin America due to its political and economic stability and its high level of vaccination against covid-19.

According to the Department of Immigration and Migration, there are 1.4 million migrants in Chile, which is equivalent to more than 7% of the population and Venezuelans are the most numerous, followed by Peruvians, Haitians and Colombians.



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