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Israeli soldiers kill 13-year-old Palestinian in the north of the occupied West Bank

A 13-year-old Palestinian boy was shot dead this Saturday, and at least two others were injured, one of them seriously, during an Israeli military attack in the early hours of the morning in the city of QabatiyaSouth of Jeninnorth of the occupied territory of West Bank.

The victim was identified as Nabil Abu Abed13 years, as confirmed today by the Palestinian agency Wafa, citing the director of Razi Hospital in Jenin, Fawaz Hamad.

LOOK HERE: At least ten Palestinians killed by Israeli fire in violent incidents in the West Bank

According to the army, its soldiers were fired upon and responded, hitting some of the attackers. “The circumstances of the incident are being investigated“, detailed a military spokesman.

At dawn, Israeli military forces were again positioned in Jenin, according to Hebrew media, using vehicles with Palestinian license plates, and also positioned themselves “snipers on the roofs of several buildings”, describe local sources.

At least one father and one son were also detained during the military operation, Wafa says, which also resulted in attacks on other homes and damage to roads and buildings.

In the early hours of March 27, three other young Palestinians were killed by Israeli fire and drones also in Qabatiyaduring yet another nighttime military operation with bulldozers and snipers in which Palestinian militias confronted troops.

A young man aged around 19 died from an Israeli shot to the head, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, which also confirmed the deaths in a drone attack in the Al Damj neighborhood of two other boys: Hamza Arawioriginating from the refugee camp of Al-Ain in Nablus and militiaman al Aqsa Martyrs BrigadesIt is Mohamad Naser al Sabtifrom Jenin.

Specifically, in the Jenin refugee camp, the Jenin Brigadewhich brings together militias from all political factions, and which brings together a large part of the militia movement and attacks against Israeli targets in the north of West Bank.

126 dead in the West Bank in 2024

Across the West Bank, at least 126 Palestinians were killed by Israeli fire in 2024, including today’s victim, most of them alleged militiamen, but also around fifteen attackers and numerous civilians, including around thirty minors, according to an EFE report. .

Last year was the deadliest in two decades, with more than 520 Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank.

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On the Israeli side, at least ten people died in 2024: eight in six Palestinian attacks, including three soldiers and five civilians (three were settlers); as well as a soldier in Jenin in January who detonated an explosive with his vehicle and an Israeli Arab shot in his car, but whose death is not known if it was a settlement of scores.

The Israeli Army intensified its already frequent incursions into the occupied West Bank after the attack Hamas of October 7th which left 1,200 dead and two hundred hostages.

Since that date in Link More than 32,000 people died in Israeli attacks and another 450 Palestinians died in the occupied West Bank, most at the hands of soldiers, but also settlers.

Source: Elcomercio

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