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Venezuelan YouTuber Oscar Alejandro is arrested at Maiquetía airport for “terrorism”

Venezuelan YouTuber Oscar Alejandro Pérez Martínez, resident in the United States, was arrested this Sunday, March 31, at Simón Bolívar International Airport, in Maiquetía, Venezuela. The incident occurred when he was preparing to travel to Canaima, in the state of Bolívar.

His family shared a statement on social media in which they indicated that they accused him of terrorism.

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Furthermore, they explained that he will have a hearing this April 1st at the 2nd control court of the Metropolitan Region of Caracas.

“The family expresses its gratitude for the support received to date and requests respect for Oscar Alejandro’s privacy and presumption of innocence during the development of the judicial process.”

They informed that the creator of the content is detained on floor 1 of the facilities of the Scientific, Criminal and Criminal Investigation Body (CICPC)on Urdaneta Avenue.

His friend, actor Willy Martin, also confirmed the news and said he has been in contact with Martin’s relatives. youtuber.

In his Instagram stories, the artist indicated: “Greetings, good evening. This message is because I am deeply moved by the news that has been circulating since this morning, I discovered that my friend Oscar Alejandro was arrested while traveling to Canaima.”

In that sense, he added: “I have been in contact with his mother, with his family and yes, it is real news. In the previous and following stories you will find the statement sent by the family and well, I believe that what we can do at this moment is to pass on the information, mainly so that Oscar’s integrity, health and dignity remain throughout the process. it has to be faced and also respects the situation.”

Finally, he demanded: “Oscar Alejandro free”.

Another celebrity who sent a message to talk about what happened was March. The comedian rejected what happened and considered that his friend would not do anything inappropriate.

“For those who don’t know him, I want to attest that he is an impeccable person, he doesn’t even have a traffic ticket and in his life he has done and would never do anything wrong, those of us who know him can attest to that”, he said.

Date: March 31, 2024

This communication reports on the detention of Oscar Alejandro Pérez Martínez by the Venezuelan authorities. The event took place on Sunday, March 31, 2024, at Maiquetía National Airport, moments before the scheduled trip to Canaima. According to available preliminary reports, the arrest is linked to accusations of activities related to terrorism.

Oscar Alejandro is currently detained at the CICPC facilities located on Avenida Urdaneta, floor 1, in the anti-terrorism division.

Oscar Alejandro, recognized for his work as a YouTuber in promoting Venezuelan culture, is now facing this legal process. The family expresses the hope that the judicial process, which will begin with a hearing scheduled for Monday, April 1, 2024, at the 2nd Control Court of the Metropolitan Region, will clarify the details of the situation and guarantee fair treatment in accordance with o legal rights by Oscar Alejandro.

The family is grateful for the support received so far and requests respect for Oscar Alejandro’s privacy and presumption of innocence during the development of the judicial process.

Sincerely, Relatives of Oscar Alejandro Pérez Martínez

Source: Elcomercio

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