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Mexico will send a letter to the UN Secretary General to denounce Ecuador

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mexico, Alicia Bárcenaannounced this Monday that his Government will send a letter to the Secretary General of UN, António Guterresto denounce the attack of Ecuador to the Embassy of Mexico in Quito Last Friday.

We will send a letter to the secretary general of United Nations will be presented to all members of the United Nationsthe Human Rights Council and the general meetingannounced the Secretary of Foreign Affairs at the Government’s morning conference.

READ TOO: Ecuador: former vice president Jorge Glas “was kidnapped”, says his lawyer

The chancellor recalled that Mexico will also present report this Monday Ecuador before the International Court of Justice for forcibly invading its diplomatic headquarters in Quitoattack” to the Mexican authorities and remove the former Ecuadorian vice president Jorge Glas (2013-2017), who was sheltered there.

We announce that we now turn to International Court of Justice and other instances to denounce Ecuador for violations of international rightto the point.

Moments before, the Ecuadorian chancellor, Gabriela SommerfeldHe argued that Mexico first violated the Vienna Convention and asylum, and did not give concrete answers to the Andean country regarding its requests regarding Glas, prosecuted in corruption cases and now imprisoned in a maximum security prison.

According to the head of Ecuadorian diplomacy, Mexico didn’t worka positive response”, and just mentioned that they were looking into the case.

But Bárcena stated that “There is no justification for the police forces to have invaded the Mexican Embassy in Ecuador nor physically attack the dignity of staff diplomatic”.

The Secretary of Foreign Affairs argued that “Mexico adhered to international law in relation Vienna Convention and the Caracas Convention” is that “Mexico maintained direct and constant communication with Ecuador before this incident, of course, to address the asylum issue”.

Yes Ecuador had a different interpretation than Mexico relating to asylum conventions or Viennain diplomatic relations, he had to always resort to peaceful procedures, as established in the letter of United Nations Organization”, he stated.

The crisis between Mexico It is Ecuador It started last Thursday, when the Government of Daniel Noboa declared the Mexican ambassador, Raquel Serur, persona non grata, in response to comments that López Obrador made on Wednesday about the assassination of the former presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio and its electoral consequences.

Mexico announced on Friday that it would try to bring to the country glass as political asylum, so Ecuadorian forces forcibly entered the embassy to take him away.

Since then, Mexico received “support” from 29 countries, of which 20 are from America and 9 of Europein addition to 8 international organizations, as recalled Bárcena.

We received, and especially the president Andrés Manuel López Obradorvery important support and support from the international community“, said the Mexican Foreign Minister.

O Organization of American States (OAS) and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac) will have meetings this week to discuss the matter.

Source: Elcomercio

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