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meeting on Tuesday between the Taliban and EU officials

Taliban leaders will meet with European Union (EU) officials in Doha, Qatar on Tuesday, their acting foreign minister announced on Monday, as the new Afghan regime seeks to break its diplomatic isolation.

” Tomorrow [mardi], we will meet the representatives of the EU. We have positive meetings with representatives of other countries ”, declared Amir Khan Muttaqi, during a conference in the Qatari capital, without specifying the functions occupied by these European leaders, nor their number.

“We want positive relations with the whole world”

“We want positive relationships with the whole world. We believe in balanced international relations. We believe that such a balanced relationship can save Afghanistan from instability, ”added the official, according to a live translation of his speech, from Pashtun to English.

The new Islamist regime, which came to power in Afghanistan at the end of August, has not been recognized by any country. But faced with the imminence of a serious humanitarian crisis in this country entirely dependent on international aid after 20 years of war, diplomatic maneuvers are increasing.

Qatar as mediator

On Saturday in Doha, the Taliban met with US officials for the first direct talks with Washington since taking power. Their foreign minister called on the United States to establish “good relations” and not “to weaken the current government in Afghanistan”.

After hosting talks between the Taliban and the United States for years, Qatar continues to play an essential mediating role between the Islamist movement and the Western chancelleries.

Last week, senior Taliban officials received the British envoy to Afghanistan, Simon Gass, in Kabul.


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