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A police station and a highway in southwestern Colombia are attacked with explosives

Two explosive attacks, one against a police station and the other on the main highway in southwestern Colombiawere perpetrated in the department of Cauca, which is experiencing a worsening security crisis since the ceasefire between the Government and the main dissident groups in that region was broken. FARC.

The information was reported this Saturday by the governor of Cauca, Otávio Guzmanwho explained that on Friday night unknown people activated “a small-range explosive device at the police station” in the municipality of Guachene.

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Although in the early hours of this Saturday, the person in charge added, these people did not “explode a device on the (road) Panamericanleaving material damage and one person injured.”

The call to violent people to let’s de-escalate fratricidal war and seek a negotiated solution, but with real will. I fully support our public forces so that we can regain security and that the population does not suffer attacks from armed men. He Cauca deserves peace and we cannot normalize violence and make invisible a reality that hurts us today,” said Guzmán.

The Government and the Central General Staff (EMC), the main dissent from the former FARCcarry out peace negotiations, as part of which they agreed, last October, on a bilateral ceasefire.

However, given EMC’s repeated attacks, particularly against indigenous communities in the CaucaLast month the Government suspended the ceasefire in that department and in neighboring Valle del Cauca and Nariño.

This same week, the two peace delegations met and agreed to continue dialogues despite tensions and reiterated the commitments made after an extraordinary meeting held in São Vicente del Caguánin the department of Caquetá (south).

In this sense, the EMC asked last week for the cessation to be reinstated bilateral fire but at the same time they threaten attacks on military and police targets, such as those carried out in recent weeks.

We must rethink the negotiation model and reinforce the actions of the public force with more personnel and the necessary tools to combat crime. It is necessary that the Army and all public force is in headers and all territories with greater implantation“Added Governor Guzmán.

Source: Elcomercio

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