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Attack on Israel: France and EU condemn Iran’s position ‘in the strongest possible terms’

France “condemns in the strongest possible terms” the attack carried out by Iran, Stéphane Sejournet confirmed on Twitter this Saturday evening, after sending hundreds of Iranian drones towards Israel.

“By deciding to take such an unprecedented action, Iran reaches a new level in its destabilizing actions and risks military escalation,” writes the Foreign Minister on X. France reaffirms its commitment to Israel’s security and assures it of its solidarity. »

The European Union also, through its diplomatic chief Josep Borrell, condemned the “unprecedented escalation” and “serious threat to regional security.” “The EU condemns Iran’s unacceptable attack on Israel. This represents an unprecedented escalation and a serious threat to regional security,” the official said.

The US is ready to help in the “defense” of Israel

The United States, Tel Aviv’s main backer, also reaffirmed its commitment to “defending” Israel following the Iranian drone attack. President Joe Biden returned to the White House for an emergency meeting of his military and diplomatic teams.

In an unusual move, the US president cut short his weekend in Delaware, more than 90 miles from the capital Washington, while fears of reprisals against Israel, announced in recent days by Iran, loom large. According to the White House, “Iran has launched an air attack on Israel” that is “expected to last several hours.”

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak also condemned the “dangerous” attack, assuring that the UK would “continue to defend Israel’s security.” “Together with our allies, we are urgently working to stabilize the situation and prevent escalation. No one wants to see more bloodshed,” Rishi Sunak said in a statement.

“I condemn in the strongest possible terms the Iranian regime’s dangerous attack on Israel,” he added. “These strikes risk increasing tensions and destabilizing the region. Iran has once again demonstrated that it wants to wreak havoc in its surroundings. »

Source: Le Parisien

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