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Milei says that with his reforms Argentina could look like Germany in twenty years

Milei says that with his reforms Argentina could look like Germany in twenty years

Milei says that with his reforms Argentina could look like Germany in twenty years

The Argentine president, Javier Mileisaid that with his reforms Argentina it might seem Germany in 20 years, in an interview with the American presenter with an ultra-conservative ideology Ben Shapiro published this Sunday.

In the almost hour-long conversation that the far-right president had this week during his visit to U.SMilei noted that he would like his country to once again embrace Western values ​​“return to being a developed country”.

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In fact, with the reforms we submitted in the first month, if they all remained in place, Argentina would improve 90 positions in the ranking and Argentina could appear Germany over a period of twenty years”Milei noted in this interview in which she spoke in Spanish and Shapiro in English.

The president also highlighted on ‘The Ben Shapiro Show’ that if the presidential elections were held again today in his country, he would win with a higher percentage than last year and “in the first round”.

According to Milei, the fact that his popularity and voting intentions have increased means that “The cultural battle is bearing fruit and Argentines have decided to mature, put on long pants and start doing things right once and for all”.

This is not the first time that the politician has given an interview to an American journalist last year, when Milei was a presidential candidate, he accused the same; Pope Francis have an affinity with “murderous communists”And be on the side of“bloody dictatorships”in an interview with former Fox News anchor Tucker Carlsonpublished in X.

MORE INFORMATION: Milei announces separation from actress and comedian Fátima Flórez: “We decided to end our relationship”

Milei met this Thursday at Miami (Florida) with the president of Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Ilan Goldfajnto use the technical support of this financial institution, in order to “improve spending efficiency” It is “protection of the most vulnerable people”in the South American country, according to the entity.

The Argentine president was also Texaswhere on Friday he met the businessman Elon Musk.

However, the Argentine politician did not visit Washington or have meetings with members of the US President’s Government, the Democrat. Joe Biden.

Source: Elcomercio

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