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Attack on Israel: Darmanin calls for increased security in front of Jewish schools and places of worship

Attack on Israel: Darmanin calls for increased security in front of Jewish schools and places of worship

Attack on Israel: Darmanin calls for increased security in front of Jewish schools and places of worship

Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin on Sunday asked prefects to tighten security at Jewish places of worship as well as religious schools, a day after Iran attacked Israel and ahead of the Passover holiday.

The minister is asking prefects to ensure a “static and visible” law enforcement presence in front of the “most important or symbolic” places of worship and buildings. “The security forces (police and gendarmerie, editor’s note) will naturally not be able to carry out these tasks alone,” the minister wrote in a telegram dated Sunday. “In addition, you yourself must requisition Guardian soldiers for this purpose,” he adds.

A request made a few days before Passover

As Passover, the Jewish Passover (April 22 to 30), approaches, he asks them to pay “attention” in particular to “services and gatherings that traditionally attract large audiences.”

The Home Secretary is also demanding that “static security guards be systematically installed in front of religious schools and, from Monday, during the entry and exit of students.” Gérald Darmanin also calls for the establishment of “regular visits by the police and gendarmerie” to “specialized enterprises.”

This decision was made due to the “very high level of terrorist threat”, “the persistence of acts of an anti-Semitic nature at a high level” and “the persistence of tension at the international level, including the Iranian attack on Israel.” on the night from Saturday to Sunday,” he clarifies in the telegram.

Source: Le Parisien

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