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STRAIGHT.  Iranian attack on Israel: schools reopen in the Jewish state after unprecedented attacks by Tehran

STRAIGHT. Iranian attack on Israel: schools reopen in the Jewish state after unprecedented attacks by Tehran

STRAIGHT.  Iranian attack on Israel: schools reopen in the Jewish state after unprecedented attacks by Tehran


  • Iran carried out an unprecedented air attack on Israel on the night from Saturday to Sunday.
  • Israel estimates that it “thwarted” the attack by intercepting “99% of the shots” with the help of its allies, including the United States and France.
  • While the attack on Iran has drawn strong condemnation around the world, most leaders from both the G7 and Arab countries are calling on the parties to “show restraint.”
  • An Israeli response could plunge the Middle East into chaos.
  • “Neither the region nor the world can afford new wars,” said the UN Secretary General.
  • In France, the Iranian ambassador is summoned to the Quai d’Orsay. As Passover approaches, security will be increased near Jewish schools and places of worship.

Schools will reopen in Israel this Monday

The Israeli army announced on Monday the reopening of schools across much of the country, which were closed for security reasons on Saturday in the face of threats from Iran. After assessing the situation, “it was decided to resume educational activities throughout the country,” but subject to “restrictions” in the border area with Lebanon and in settlements close to the Gaza Strip, X Army spokesman Daniel Hagari said. Israel announced on Saturday a two-day closure of schools, the cancellation of daycare centers and excursions, and restrictions on gatherings.


Iran says it has ‘no choice’, Israel calls for sanctions

Iran told the UN it had “no choice but to exercise its right to self-defense” by launching hundreds of drones and missiles towards Israel, which for its part demanded “all possible sanctions” against Tehran. This unprecedented attack, dubbed the “Honest Promise”, was carried out on the night of Saturday and Sunday in response to an attack attributed to Israel on the Iranian consulate in Damascus on April 1. This raises fears of regional conflict amid the war between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip.


Iran’s response to the UN

“The Security Council failed in its duty” by not condemning the April 1 strike, said Iran’s UN Ambassador Amir Saeed Iravani. And “under these conditions, the Islamic Republic of Iran had no choice but to exercise its right to self-defense,” he added, assuring that Tehran does not want escalation, but will respond to “any threat or aggression.”

He also harshly attacked Israel.

“It is time for the Security Council to take up its responsibilities and confront the real threat to international peace and security,” he said. The council “must take urgent punitive measures to force this regime to stop its genocide against the people of Gaza.”


At the UN, Israel and Iran accuse each other of being a “threat to peace”

On Sunday, Israel and Iran accused each other at the UN of being the main threat to Middle East peace, and each called on the Security Council to impose sanctions against their arch-enemy. “The mask fell. Iran, the world’s leading supporter of terrorism, has revealed its true colors as a destabilizer of the region and the world,” Israeli Ambassador Gilad Erdan said during an emergency meeting of the Security Council convened on his initiative. “The mask has fallen, we need to put on gloves,” he added, calling on the Security Council to “act.” So he asked him to declare the Revolutionary Guard, the Islamic Republic’s ideological army, a “terrorist organization” and “impose all possible sanctions on Iran before it is too late.”


Israel says it defended itself in a “coalition” with its allies

The Israeli army congratulated itself on being able to count on a “defensive coalition of international allies” led by the United States, Britain, France and others to repel the Iranian attack. “Iran’s unprecedented attack was met with unprecedented defense. This was the first time such a coalition worked together against the threat of Iran and its proxies in the Middle East,” Israeli army spokesman Daniel Hagari said at a press conference.


Hi all !

Welcome to this live broadcast of the aftermath of Iran’s attack on Israel on Saturday night. There is also an ongoing war between the Jewish state and the Islamist Hamas movement in the Gaza Strip, which is in dire need of humanitarian assistance.

Source: Le Parisien

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