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War in Gaza: Israel postpones its military offensive in the city of Rafah, according to CNN

War in Gaza: Israel postpones its military offensive in the city of Rafah, according to CNN

War in Gaza: Israel postpones its military offensive in the city of Rafah, according to CNN

Israel postponed its plans for a military offensive on the city of Rafain the Palestinian enclave of Gaza stripas the war cabinet discusses its response to the Iranian attack over the weekend, Israeli sources told CNN.

O Israeli Air Force The distribution of leaflets in parts of the country should begin this Monday. Rafa alert the population about the offensive in that city where there are more than a million Palestinian refugees, many of them displaced by Israeli military campaign.

READ TOO: Iran insists it is not looking for tensions after an attack on Israel, which had a “deterrent” objective

According to CNN, a Israeli officer He said that his Government remains determined to carry out the offensive against Hamas in Rafa but “The timeline for civilian evacuations and the imminent ground offensive remains unclear at this time.”

Over the weekend, Iran fired hundreds of missiles and unmanned aircraft (drones) at Israel in response to an Israeli attack on the Iranian embassy in Damascus (Syria) in which seven members of the Republican Guard Iranianand six Syrian citizens.

Since then, Israel’s war cabinet has been discussing how it will respond to the Iranian attack and, according to CNN, Benny Gantzone of the members of the National Unity cabinet, promoted a quick response, while the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahudid not make a decision.

United States and Israel They are scheduled to meet this week to discuss, as planned, alternatives to the invasion of Rafawhich washington opposes because it could mean greater humanitarian crisis and put the passage of aid from Egypt at risk.

Source: Elcomercio

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