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Iran did not warn US when it would launch attack on Israel, White House says

Iran did not warn US when it would launch attack on Israel, White House says

Iran did not warn US when it would launch attack on Israel, White House says

Will did not notify U.S about when exactly he would launch the attack against Israel nor what targets he planned to hit, the The White Housecontradicting the versions given by other countries in the region.

The version of washington contradicts what American allies in the region have said, such as Türkiye, Jordan and Iraq, whose officials declared on Sunday that Iran gave 72 hours’ notice of its attack on Israel, according to US media.

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“That notion is ridiculous.”he said at a press conference John Kirbyone of the White House spokespeople.

Could you imagine a world where Will call and say: ‘Hey, we are going to try to attack Israel with 300 cruise missiles and drones, we just wanted to let you know. Oh, by the way, here are our goals? “Sorry, that didn’t happen.”he emphasized.

U.S stated that he exchanged messages with Iran before the attack via Swiss, which acts as an intermediary between the two nations; but according to Kirbyat no time was there “no message about when the attack would be or against which targets.”

Middle East faces a moment of maximum tension after Will would play Israel more than 300 drones, missiles and ballistic missiles, in what was the first attack of this type from Iranian soil, waiting to see what the possible Israeli response will be.

Israel – with the help of The United States, the United Kingdom and neighboring Jordan– managed to intercept almost all of these missiles, most of them outside Israeli airspace, so the Iranian offensive did not cause any deaths, but left a girl seriously injured by shrapnel and minor damage was recorded at a base in Air Force in the south of the country.

Will stated that the wave of attacks was in retaliation for the April 1 attack on its Iranian consulate in Damascuswhat Tehran attributes for Tel Aviv and which caused the deaths of six Syrians and seven members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guardincluding two generals.

Will concluded its offensive, but warned that it would counterattack if Israel to respond.

Source: Elcomercio

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