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Following the attack, Iran promises to retaliate against the “slightest actions” by Israel against its “interests.”

Following the attack, Iran promises to retaliate against the “slightest actions” by Israel against its “interests.”

Following the attack, Iran promises to retaliate against the “slightest actions” by Israel against its “interests.”

Fear of escalation is growing. Iranian President Ebrahim Raissi warned that the “slightest actions” by Israel against “Iran’s interests” would trigger a “harsh reaction” from his country, according to a press release issued by the president on Tuesday. Israel has promised a “response” to the massive and unprecedented attack launched by Iran on Saturday night on Israeli soil.

“We now firmly declare that the slightest action against Iran’s interests will certainly lead to a harsh, large-scale and painful response against all its perpetrators,” Ebrahim Raissi said late in the evening in a telephone interview with Qatar’s Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani. this Monday.

Action “punish the aggressor”

The Iranian president noted that this weekend his country, “exercising its right to self-defense,” struck “centers” where the bombing of the Iranian embassy annex in Damascus, Syria, attributed to Israel, was carried out. , April 1. This unprecedented operation “was successfully carried out with the aim of punishing the aggressor,” he added. According to the press release, Ebrahim Raissi also once again condemned the “blind support of the Zionist regime by some Western countries” which is “the cause of tension in the region.”

Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri warned Israeli authorities Monday evening on state television that if they responded, “they will have to expect a stronger, faster and more immediate strike” from Iran.

“They will not have a 12-day period,” he said, referring to the time between the strike on Damascus and the attack on Israel. “In fact, the answer they get will not be measured in days or hours, but in seconds,” he added. Israel “must not repeat this strategic mistake again,” Ali Bagheri warned.

Source: Le Parisien

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