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Iraqi radars “detected objects crossing” into Iran, security official says

Iraqi radars “detected objects crossing” into Iran, security official says

Iraqi radars “detected objects crossing” into Iran, security official says

The authorities of Iraq No Israeli attacks were recorded this Friday against the territory of that Arab country, although its radars “detected the passage of objects” from Iraqi airspace to Willa senior Iraqi security official told EFE.

No attacks were recorded within the Iraqi territorya colonel from the Ministry of the Interior told EFE. Iraq, who asked not to be identified.

READ TOO: The attack on Iran was a warning about Israel’s capabilities, according to the Jerusalem Post

He stated, however, that “O Iraqi radars detected the passage of strange objects from Iraqi airspace this morning towards Will”, at a time when confusion surrounds the attack allegedly perpetrated by Israel against Will in apparent retaliation for what Iran did last Saturday.

According to the American media, Israel It launched several missiles at Iran in Isfahan province this Friday morning. But Iran denied the attack: first it said that anti-aircraft defenses shot down several drones and later simply said they were “several flying objects.”

So far, neither the Israeli Government nor the Pentagon They officially recognized the operation.

The Iraqi source said, on the other hand, that “There is currently no official confirmation” of the news published today by the Arab media, and which circulated on the networks, about the discovery this Friday of “remains of an Israeli missile“in the province of wastedin central Iraq.

Some of these media outlets released images of a missile on a farm, surrounded by several people in military uniforms, and claimed that it landed last morning in the city of Al Aziziya, in Waset.

For your part, Syria This Friday he accused Israel of perpetrating a new missile attack yesterday morning against the south of the Arab country, which claimed to have caused material damage, a common event but which coincides with information about the alleged attack in Isfahan.

Source: Elcomercio

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