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Rafael Correa says the referendum in Ecuador was a “resounding defeat” for Noboa

Rafael Correa says the referendum in Ecuador was a “resounding defeat” for Noboa

Rafael Correa says the referendum in Ecuador was a “resounding defeat” for Noboa

The former president of Ecuador Rafael Corrêa (2007-2017) guaranteed this Tuesday that the referendum held on Sunday at the initiative of the current president, Daniel Noboait was “a triumph for the Ecuadorian people” and “a resounding failure for the Government”, which does not see itself in a position to resolve the country’s crisis in the coming months, before the arrival of the 2025 general elections.

Yes well Noboa received broad support for nine issues on security issues and strengthening the fight against organized crime, Correa stated in an interview with EFE that the president lost the “the two questions that interested him”, which aims to legalize hourly employment contracts to encourage job creation and allow international arbitrations in any jurisdiction as a way of attracting foreign investment.

READ TOO: Who is Fabricio Colón Pico, one of Ecuador’s most wanted criminals who was captured by the police

“(These two issues) are part of the agreement with the Fund (International Monetary-IMF)“, said the former president via videoconference, regarding the new credit program that the Government of Noboa negotiate with him IMF.

For beltthe other nine consultations with measures against organized crime were “question hook to say that it has popular support”.

Who will oppose the support of the Armed Forces to the National Police in the fight against drug trafficking and organized crime? They ask obvious things that are already being asked“, commented on the nine approved measures, where the extraditions of Ecuadorians required by the courts of other countries and the establishment of a system of constitutional courts.

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A “brake” on Noboa

Asked about voting on ‘No‘To the eleven issues that were promoted by the Citizen Revolution, the political formation he leads, Correa explained that initially his movement was opposed to issues about arbitrations and hourly contracts, but the assault on Mexican Embassy in Quitoon April 5 to arrest his former vice president Jorge Glaswhen he had already received asylum from the Mexican government, he made them vote “eleven times ‘No’”.

He Ecuadorian government questions asylum because it was granted to a person who is being prosecuted for alleged misappropriation of resources (misappropriation of resources).

We have always said that the consultation was unnecessary and that this was scandalous, but we objected to two initial questions. When he brutally enters the Embassy of Mexicokidnaps an asylum seeker and holds him incommunicado in a maximum security prison, we say: ‘This government must be stopped‘” said Correa.

In this sense, he recalled that Citizen revolution did not sign up to campaign for ‘No’ because “It seemed like an insult to the Ecuadorian people that they would give us money to campaign in a tremendous crisis.”

We had no advertising, we had nothing. Therefore, without a doubt, the success is spectacular and the Government’s failure is also spectacular.”, emphasized Correa.

LOOK HERE: Noboa thanks “broad support” in the referendum on measures against crime in Ecuador

“Improvised and irresponsible president”

For belt, Noboa I wanted to make this plebiscite a “I advance his presidential campaign (to be re-elected in 2025) with resources from the people Ecuadorian”.

“They supported the security part and now there will be no excuse.”Correa highlighted, although he said that “The prospects are not good.”

There is no comprehensive security plan. I’m afraid the cabinet level is too low. I fear that the president himself is improvised and irresponsible and I don’t aspire much in that sense”, he commented.

Correa considered that at this moment “A true statesman is needed, with a vision for the country, with a serious political organization”. “I’m not optimistic about the future and I think this boy will deepen the crisis”, he predicted.

He never cheated on me. (…) Obviously he was president by chance. Let’s not fool ourselves(Noboa) did not expect to win, they assassinated a presidential candidate (Fernando Villavicencio) and they blamed us” he added.

TO KNOW MORE: Ecuador captures Colón Pico, the criminal leader who escaped from prison during a drug trafficking attack

They will support reforms in Parliament

Of the six matters approved in the consultation that should be processed through the National Assembly (Parliament), where Citizen revolution It is the first force, belt He indicated that many of them are already being processed in the Legislature and that his party will support them.

Obviously we will approve it, to support the Assembly. It is not that we support the Government, but rather the decision of the people of Ecuadorclarified, for whom the plebiscite was “pure demagogy, millions of dollars in your vanity and in its initial campaign”referring to Noboa.

Source: Elcomercio

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