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Nicolás Maduro guarantees that Venezuela “does not need” licenses to “grow and develop”

The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Madurosaid this Monday that the country “it is not necessary”that licenses be issued to“grow and develop“, in reference to permissions granted by U.S to international companies to do business in the oil and gas sector in the Caribbean country.

Venezuela does not need a license to grow, to develop, let’s follow the path of work (…). The number of people who come to invest is impressive.“, said Maduro, who, at the same time, demanded the lifting of“all sanctions”.

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In his weekly program ‘Con Maduro +’, broadcast on the state channel VTV, the president questioned that “a country, to be able to extract its oil” It is “sale“, it needs “go U.S” to ask for a leave of absence, which he described as “colonialism”.

However, despite the North American country’s sanctions, which were resumed this month, the Chavista leader assured that, recently, “20 contracts were signed for 20 oil production projects” with foreign companies, including European, American, Asian and Latin American companies.

They are “companies from the four cardinal points of the world that are arriving“, expressed Maduro, who stated that his country”found your way”and will guarantee the“growth” It is “the recovery of the oil industry”.

On the other hand, he guaranteed that “is already guaranteed” he “path to recovery for the petrochemical industry“, where will they arrive”new investments to double production”.

In mid-April, USA announced its decision to partially reverse the sanctions relief – which it had applied since October – accusing Maduro of not fulfilling his electoral commitments, since the sanction that prevents the opposition from Maria Corina Machadowinner of the anti-Chavista primaries, will participate in the presidential elections on July 28th.

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He Treasury Department The US government has set a May 31 deadline for foreign companies to halt all oil and gas production and export operations they have carried out over the past six months.

From now on, companies that want to do business with the state-owned company Venezuelan oil (PDVSA) must request individual authorizations from the US Treasury that will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

In the last days, PDVSA collected 76 thousand signatures from its workers for the “independence from the state oil company”, according to the press office of the Presidency.

Source: Elcomercio

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