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Georgia: Police repress demonstrations against the controversial “foreign agents law”

Georgia: Police repress demonstrations against the controversial “foreign agents law”

Georgia: Police repress demonstrations against the controversial “foreign agents law”

The police of Georgiaa former Soviet republic, repressed a demonstration in Tbilisithe capital, against a controversial bill that, according to European Unionis incompatible with the country’s candidacy for the community bloc.

Riot police invaded the protest, beating and detaining dozens of people, an AFP journalist confirmed.

LOOK HERE: “Down with Russian law”: the massive protests in Georgia against legislation that many consider inspired by Putin

Participants in the protest, which is taking place for the third consecutive week, gathered in front of Parliament to reject a bill on “foreign influence”, considered contrary to human rights.

Police use water cannons to disperse protesters near the Georgian parliament in Tbilisi on April 30, 2024. (Photo by Giorgi ARJEVANIDZE / AFP) (GIORGI ARJEVANIDZE/)

O European Commissionthe executive arm of the European Union (EU), stated that the text endangered the aspirations Georgia to become a member of the block.

The party in power Georgian Dreamhas been trying to approve this text since April 9, after a failed attempt in the spring of 2023 due to the massive protests it triggered.

The project’s detractors claim that the text is inspired by the Russian law on “foreign agents”, used to silence dissent.

Georgian deputies considered the bill in second reading on Tuesday and the ruling party hopes to approve it before mid-May.

They are scared because they see our determination“, he told AFP Natia Gabissoniaa 21-year-old protester.

Officers disperse protesters near the Georgian parliament, during a protest in Tbilisi, April 30, 2024. (Photo by Giorgi ARJEVANIDZE/AFP)

Officers disperse protesters near the Georgian parliament, during a protest in Tbilisi, April 30, 2024. (Photo by Giorgi ARJEVANIDZE/AFP) (GIORGI ARJEVANIDZE/)

We will not allow them to pass this Russian law and bury our European future” he added.

Other demonstrations took place in Batumithe second city in the country, and in Kutaisiaccording to independent media Formula TV.

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Several thousand people took part in a counter-demonstration the day before, organized in front of Parliament by Georgian Dream.

The President of the European Council, Carlos Michelconsidered the bill incompatible with Georgia’s desire to become a member of the bloc.

In December, the EU granted the country official membership candidate status, but warned that it would have to reform its judicial and electoral systems, strengthen press freedom and limit the power of oligarchs before negotiations could officially begin.

Source: Elcomercio

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