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Georgia: New massive demonstration against the “foreign influence” law

Georgia: New massive demonstration against the “foreign influence” law

Georgia: New massive demonstration against the “foreign influence” law

Tens of thousands of people demonstrated again this Wednesday in Georgia following the parliamentary approval in second reading of a law against “foreign influence”, which according to his opponents is inspired by a Russian law to silence the opposition.

Protesters gathered, waving Georgian and Georgian flags. European Unionin front of Parliament in Tbilisi.

LOOK HERE: Georgia: Police repress demonstrations against the controversial “foreign agents law”

Police dispersed on Tuesday with tear gas and rubber bullets and detained 63 people at a similar protest in the capital of this small former Soviet republic of Caucasus.

Protesters try to block the side entrance of the Georgian parliament during a demonstration, in Tbilisi, on May 1, 2024. (Photo by Giorgi ARJEVANIDZE/AFP) (GIORGI ARJEVANIDZE/)

The marches have been taking place since April 9, when the government presented the bill on “foreign influence”, assimilated by its opponents to the law on “foreign agents”used by the government of the Russian president, Vladimir Putinto silence dissent.

The party in power Georgian Dreamtried to pass this legislation in early 2023, but failed precisely due to massive protests.

But the government presented the project again in April and this Wednesday it obtained its second reading approval by 83 votes in favor and 23 against, and intends to promulgate it in mid-May.

The EU considered that its approval would be incompatible with the aspirations of the Georgia to join the block.

I follow the situation in Georgia with great concern and condemn the violence on the streets of Tbilisi”, published the president of the European Commission on the social network Ursula von der Leyen.

MORE INFORMATION: “Down with Russian law”: the massive protests in Georgia against legislation that many consider inspired by Putin

The people of Georgia want a European future for their country. Georgia is at a crossroads. You must stay on the right path Europe” he added.

Popular anger grows

Tens of thousands of protesters gathered in front of Parliament, where they sang the Georgian national anthem and Hate to joyaccording to an AFP journalist on the website.

At night, the police used pepper gas and tear gas, as well as water cannons from inside the parliamentary police station courtyard against protesters who were trying to block the entrance to the headquarters.

Police use tear gas and a water cannon as protesters try to block the side entrance to the Georgian parliament during a demonstration, in Tbilisi, on May 1, 2024. (Photo by Giorgi ARJEVANIDZE/AFP)

Police use tear gas and a water cannon as protesters try to block the side entrance to the Georgian parliament during a demonstration, in Tbilisi, on May 1, 2024. (Photo by Giorgi ARJEVANIDZE/AFP) (GIORGI ARJEVANIDZE/)

Your senseless violence is pointless, the protest will only grow because popular anger against our government will grow.“, the educator told AFP Tato Gachechiladze20 years old.

Russia It belongs to Europe and we will not tolerate Russian laws or a pro-Russian government” he added.

Parliament said in a statement that “activated the red security level due to the attack on its headquarters, which poses a threat to life and health”from those inside.

SEE TOO: The United States appeals and urges respect for the “peaceful demonstrations” in Georgia

But an AFP journalist present at the scene confirmed that there were no attempts to attack the building, except for one episode in which a group of young people shook the huge gate of the headquarters.

In turn, the Prime Minister, Irakli Kobakhidzecriticized Western politicians and diplomats who “slander”the bill, which in his opinion only“increases transparency of foreign NGO funding in line with European values”.

He accused Georgian civil groups of trying to make revolutions “at least twice in the last three years”with European funding.

Source: Elcomercio

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