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Borrell defends Petro: “The accusation of anti-Semitism is wrong”

Borrell defends Petro: “The accusation of anti-Semitism is wrong”

Borrell defends Petro: “The accusation of anti-Semitism is wrong”

The high representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrellcame out this Thursday in defense of the Colombian president, Gustavo Pedroand considered that he suffered a “brutal disqualification” for breaking off relations with Israel because of your campaign Link.

What cannot happen is that any criticism of the Government of Israel be met with an accusation of anti-Semitism. I claim the right to criticize the Government of (Benjamin) Netanyahu without being accused of being anti-Semitic. What will one have to do with the other?“Borrell said at a meeting with correspondents in London.

LOOK HERE: Petro announces that Colombia will break diplomatic relations with Israel “for having a genocidal president”

The head of community diplomacy considered that Petro suffered a “brutal disqualification”following his decision announced on Wednesday to sever diplomatic relations with Israel”for having a genocidal government”.

ColombiaBorrell, he recalled, broke off relations with Israel before the Arab countries, which “This earned him a disqualification of anti-Semitism that seems inappropriate to me.”.

Borrell drew attention precisely to the fact that Arab countries in general have not adopted a “very against Israel“, which shows, in his opinion, the desire that these States have to “have a peaceful and constructive relationship”.

I do not believe that the problem is a new antagonism between Arab countries and Israel, but rather the awareness that there is a problem to be resolved, which we have chosen to ignore or have chosen to dilute in the Abraham Accords” he added.

At the same time, the socialist politician did not hide the great divisions within the European Union which raises the conflict in Middle East.

Differences do not just arise over how to achieve a ceasefire in Linkbut also about whether we should recognize the Palestinian state (as Spain or Ireland promote), because “There are Member States that think that this is not the time to do this or that it could even be counterproductive.”, he expressed.

Benjamin Netanyahuhe said, he presents himself to his citizens as “the best guarantee that there will never be a Palestinian state“, but he doesn’t say what he really wants”,Maybe because it can’t be said”.

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And everyone knows, although it is uncomfortable to say, that the Netanyahu government has given wings to Hamas as a counterweight to Fatah (…) because they divided the Palestinian world using a component that it believed to be purely religious versus the nationalist component, until it proved to be religious to the point of fanaticism and more dangerous than Fatah”, he stressed.

To think about a possible two-state solution, the first step for the international community should be to understand that the current Israeli Government does not want it, but – said Borrell – Israel is a democracy and as such can change its rulers if that is what it wants. of citizens.

Despite everything, the high representative guaranteed that there are still “possibilists”in Israel, and that many of them are retired soldiers and diplomats, so at some point dialogue with the Palestinians will have to be resumed, because“Ideas are not killed, but replaced by better ones”.

Source: Elcomercio

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