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Berlin accuses Moscow of ‘intolerant’ cyberattack

Berlin has blamed Moscow-backed Russian hackers for an “intolerable” cyber attack on members of Germany’s Social Democratic Party and warned it will not go without consequences.

“Today we can say unequivocally that we can attribute this cyber attack to a group called APT28, which is led by the Russian intelligence services,” German Foreign Minister Annalena Bärbock said in Australia this Friday. A federal investigation into an attack on party members carried out by the SPD in January 2023 has just been completed, the minister said, without giving details.

Dozens of attacks around the world

APT28, also known as Fancy Bear, has been blamed for dozens of cyberattacks around the world.

The European Union’s IT Security Agency noted in 2023 information from the German press that an SPD official had suffered a cyber attack “possibly leading to possible data disclosure.”

Annalena Burbock, who considered the attack “totally intolerable and unacceptable,” promised that the case would not go without consequences.

“We have already joined the United States, Britain, Canada and New Zealand in attributing malicious cyber activity to APT28,” added his Australian counterpart Penny Wong.

Source: Le Parisien

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