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Biden will propose new measures to restrict access to asylum at the US southern border.

Biden will propose new measures to restrict access to asylum at the US southern border.

Biden will propose new measures to restrict access to asylum at the US southern border.

The Government of the President of USA, Joe Bidenwill propose a new rule that will allow immigration authorities to restrict access to asylum at the southern border, a source familiar with the regulation told EFE this Wednesday.

The rule, which will be announced this Thursday, will guide immigration agents to apply new filters in interviews where they decide whether or not a person meets the requirements to request asylum in the country. USA after crossing the border with Mexico.

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According to the cited source, authorities can prevent a person from apply for asylum if they consider it to pose a risk to national security or public safety.

This regulation, which aims to speed up deportations, will affect those who cross the border between Mexico and USA irregulary.

After this initial interview, known as “credible fear,” people seeking asylum can remain in the United States until an immigration judge rules on the validity of their case.

This process can take years and the objective of this new measure is try to reduce the number of people who seek asylum.

People who are denied the opportunity to seek asylum are deported to Mexico immediately or initiate formal deportation proceedings, depending on your nationality.

The standard, prepared by the Department of National security, will not automatically come into force. Tomorrow it will be published and a public comment period will open where it may still undergo changes.

This new measure comes in the middle of an election year in which immigration is one of the central issues. Former president and Republican presidential candidate, donald trumpadopted anti-immigrant rhetoric and points to Biden for having created a “crisis” in the border.

However, it is not the first time that the The White House announces changes to asylum regulations in an attempt to limit people arriving at the southern border.

Just a year ago, the Government The Democrat introduced a series of changes that he describes as “improper”to request asylum for migrants who cross the border irregularly and who have not requested protection in a third country during their journey to USA

Although the number of border apprehensions have decreased significantly During the first few months of this year, in 2023, the United States recorded a record of more than 2.3 million migrant arrests.

The global context of a historic increase in the number of displaced people on the continent, together with pressure from the opposition and the moderate wing of its party, led the Government of Biden abandon campaign promises of “to restore” he asylum system.

On the contrary, during the first years the Democratic administration maintained restrictive policies inherited from the previous government, such as the so-called Title 42that allowed severe restrictions, and then expanded or replaced them with new rules that seek to limit the number of people who can seek asylum at the southern border.

In return for these measures, the White House promoted “humanitarian legal pathways” for people of some nationalities (Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela), which allowed the entry of more than 400,000 people to the US

Source: Elcomercio

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