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Joe Biden assures Donald Trump ‘will not accept’ presidential election results

“This guy is not a supporter of democracy.” On the principle that he will win the November presidential election, Joe Biden assured on Wednesday that his Republican rival Donald Trump “will not accept” the election results, just as he did not accept the results of the 2020 election. The forecast was published a week after his president’s interview. rival, in which he talks about the possibility of “fighting for the good of the country” if the elections are not held “fairly.”

“He may not accept the election results. I assure you that he will not accept this” and this is “dangerous,” the American president said in an interview with CNN. “You can’t love your country only when you win,” said the 81-year-old Democrat.

“How many court cases has he lost? »

Donald Trump never conceded defeat to Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election. His supporters, convinced of his victory, attacked the American Congress building in unimaginable chaos. The ex-president is being held accountable for his role in this attack, as well as for attempting to overturn the results of the last presidential election, especially in the state of Georgia.

“How many court cases has he lost? ” Joe Biden insisted, referring to his rival’s efforts to challenge some local vote counts. “This guy is not a supporter of democracy,” he said again.

Last week, Donald Trump refused to openly acknowledge the result of his return match against Joe Biden. “If it’s done fairly, I’ll be happy to accept the results,” he told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. “But if this does not happen, then we will have to fight for the good of the country. ” In another exchange, he was also very cagey about the possibility of political violence after the November elections: “If we don’t win, you know, it depends on the situation,” he said.

“In short: Donald Trump is a danger to our Constitution and democracy,” a representative of Joe Biden’s election team has already responded.

“Happy with the trajectory of the campaign”

In an interview with CNN, Joe Biden also criticized the economic achievements of his Republican rival. Donald Trump “has never been able to create jobs, and I’ve never been able to create jobs. I created 15 million jobs,” he said, responding to a question about public opinion polls that show Americans trust his opponent more on economic issues. “Our economy is the strongest in the world,” he said.

Joe Biden also assured that former Democratic President Barack Obama, who worked on his election campaign, advised him to “keep doing” what he was already doing. The US press has recently raised alleged doubts on the part of the former leader about a campaign led by his former vice president, who polls show is on par with Donald Trump on voting intentions or even trailing in some crucial states.

“I’m pleased with the trajectory of the campaign,” the American president said, praising the efforts his campaign teams have made on the ground to reach voters by knocking on doors “the old-fashioned way.” “Most people will only focus and make a decision this fall,” he also said.

The American President also confirmed, as he often does, that during the international summits in which he participates, most foreign leaders tell him: “You must win.”

Source: Le Parisien

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