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Women in Mexico march on Mother’s Day for their missing children with “nothing to celebrate”

The demands of women looking for their missing children were heard in this Mother’s Day in Mexicoanother May 10th “with nothing to celebrate”, in the ‘National March of Seeking Mothers’ in the country’s capital.

With screams like “This day is not a day of celebration, it is a day of struggle and protest”thousands of relatives of victims of disappearances across Mexico took to the streets of the city center in a protest that culminated at noon in front of the National Palace, where the president lives, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Mothers and relatives of the victims of the disappearance protested this Friday on the main avenues of Mexico City (Mexico). EFE/Sáshenka Gutiérrez

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Sitting in a wheelchair, Yolanda Morandirector of the collective ‘In search of the missing Mexico, Búscame’, told EFE that in 2011 this protest began together with other mothers who were looking for in the north of Mexicoand highlighted that 13 years later and “even though there were hundreds of groups”, once again, they managed to reach an agreement for “this day of unity and search”.

Here you find people from all states and we don’t know each other, but we know that we are a family that suffers and we came to support each other.“, highlighted the woman originally from Coahuilaa state on the northern border of Mexico, where he seeks his son Dan Jeremeel Fernández Morán for 15 years.

Among the screens and posters with faces of missing people of all ages and states in the country, two banners stood out with the photo of López Obrador and the attorney general of the republic, Alejandro Gertz Manero, with the caption ‘Did you see…?’ what live sustained.

“I’m looking for him, I ask you to help me locate him because I’ve been looking for him for six years and I can’t find him. the same is the promotersaid the 70-year-old activist.

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A crisis that the Government minimizes

The demonstration takes place while the search mothers clash with the Government of Mexicowhich is going through a crisis with more than 116 thousand people missing since records began, according to the official census of the National Research Commission (CNB).

But the president López Obrador said that this census “it’s manipulated” to expand criticism of his Government and refused to meet with groups of families looking for their children on their own.

He (López Obrador) has other data and we have the real ones because they are absent and if he doesn’t believe there are hundreds of thousands of people missing, we try to gather here so they can see that we are indeed a force” he added.

Mothers and relatives of the victims of the disappearance protested this Friday on the main avenues of Mexico City (Mexico).  EFE/Sáshenka Gutiérrez

Mothers and relatives of the victims of the disappearance protested this Friday on the main avenues of Mexico City (Mexico). EFE/Sáshenka Gutiérrez

Leticia Hidalgo, founder of the collective ‘United Forces for Our Missing of Nuevo León‘(Fundenl), also traveled from the north to demand justice, as he did every year, following the disappearance of his son Roy Rivera Hidalgo in 2011, and lamented that they had “many expectations of outgoing government”.

“We came to tell the federal government “that we have nothing to celebrate, that we still have a sea of ​​mothers looking for their sons and daughters”, said the 62-year-old activist.

Furthermore, he considered that the current Government is the one that has “despised“because unlike the previous ones”They came up with another speech and completely changed”, revictimizing, criminalizing and politicizing the issue.

María del Carmen Volante, founder of the collective ‘Until I found them in Mexico City‘, she remembered the fellow combatants who died without obtaining justice and highlighted that the community that was formed is stronger than the president’s attacks.

Mothers and relatives of the victims of the disappearance protested this Friday on the main avenues of Mexico City (Mexico).  EFE/Sáshenka Gutiérrez

Mothers and relatives of the victims of the disappearance protested this Friday on the main avenues of Mexico City (Mexico). EFE/Sáshenka Gutiérrez (Sáshenka Gutierrez Sáshenka Gutiérrez/)

Remember in 2018 he told us to become a community.”said the mother who has been looking for her daughter for 6 years. Guadalupe Pamela Gallardo Volante.

We became community and now he wants to break it. This is very serious because we are not political mothers, we are mothers seeking disappearance of a loved one who should be home”, he concluded.

Source: Elcomercio

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