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Canada open to recognizing Palestine before Middle East peace agreement

Canada signaled this Friday a change in its policy towards Middle East declaring that you are open to recognizing Palestine before a peace agreement is reached between Israel and the Palestinians, declared the Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau.

At a press conference, Trudeau explained that although the Canadian position for decades was that it would only recognize the Palestinian state as the end result of a peace process that accepted a bilateral solution stateCanada decided to change” its policy.

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“We now recognize that this may happen before the end of the process, as a way to move towards a two-way solution.” stateadded the Canadian Prime Minister.

Trudeau acknowledged that “the government of (Benjamin) Netanyahu “is blocking any path to a two-state solution.” at the same time as Hamas “still does not recognize the State of Israel” and puts Palestinian lives at risk.

The declaration of Trudeau It happened at the same time that your country abstained in the vote held this Friday in general meeting of United Nationsin which an overwhelming majority of 143 states, of the 193 members of the UNonce again requested the integration of Palestine as a fully fledged Member State.

Source: Elcomercio

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