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Colombia rejects that the Israeli ambassador destroyed a copy of the UN founding charter

The government of Colombia This Friday he expressed his rejection of an act by the ambassador of Israel before the UN, Gilad Erdanwho took out a paper shredder into which he inserted the founding charter of this organization, considering that the document is “the cornerstone of the modern international order”.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia expresses its rejection of the actions of the permanent representative of the Israel (…) who destroyed a copy of the Founding Charter of the United Nations“, expressed the Chancellery is a statement.

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The announcement adds that “O One flight constitutes the cornerstone of the modern international order, outlines the rights and obligations of the Member states and establishes the fundamental principles and purposes that guide the collective action of the international community towards peace, Human rights and the development”.

During the day, the overwhelming majority of 143 statesof the 193 members of the UNthis Friday again asked the General Assembly to reconsider the integration of Palestine as a full-fledged State, a decision that falls within the security advice.

Only 9 countries voted against (including USA, Israel, Argentina, Hungary and Czech Republic), and 25 abstained, in this resolution that was co-sponsored by Spain, Ireland, Norway and Belgiumalong with more than 70 countries.

Given this decision, Erdanfan of theatrical coups, said that a session like this Friday meant the end of the principles that inspired the creation of UNand to illustrate, he took a small paper shredder where he inserted the founding letter of the Nations United.

In this sense, the Colombian government said that “in view of the atrocious events and the regrettable loss of life in Gaza stripIt is important to remember that everyone Member States of the Organizationwithout distinction, we undertake to respect the Charter, and that by virtue of this commitment, which in reality is a duty towards humanity, we have the obligation collective demand an immediate humanitarian ceasefire.”.

That all parties comply with their obligations under the international right and international law humanitarian; that there be the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages; and that access is guaranteed humanitarian help”, concluded Itamaraty.

Source: Elcomercio

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