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Macron: It is necessary to “dissuade Russia from further advances” in Ukraine

The French president, Emmanuel Macronwarned this Saturday that it is necessary to “dissuade Russia continue moving forward” in Ukrainealthough he was confident that “it will not be necessary to wage war” with Moscow.

We risk our future and our security a lot in Ukraine” he pointed Macron in a video published on X with answers to questions received online on the occasion of the Europe Day.

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We have to be able to dissuade Russia to keep moving forward“, he added, to avoid it being imposed”The law of the strongest” in Ukraine.

Although he said he hopes with all his might to avoid implicating France in a war, warned again that Europeans “must be ready” to dissuade Russia.

You need to be a deterrent and credible in the face of our adversaries, and tell them that if they go too far and threaten our interests and our security, I do not exclude intervention.”he added.

He french president have already warned on several occasions in recent months about the possibility of European countries ending up directly involved in the war of Ukraine if the front of this country collapses.

This time he emphasized that in Ukraine are at stake, in addition to the existence of Ukrainethe safety of the rest Europe. “If we let (Russia) in Ukraine (…) we cannot be sure”he reiterated.

Source: Elcomercio

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