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Seven million Americans have received their third coronavirus vaccine

About seven million Americans have received their third dose of the coronavirus, including three million people in the last week, while infections begin to decline in the country, the White House reported on Wednesday.

In a press conference, the coordinator of the US government’s response to the pandemic, Jeff Zients, considered that these figures show “a very strong start” of the program to distribute the third dose of the vaccine.

“Importantly, in less than three weeks, more than one in three older adults who can get the vaccine have already done so, so our program is off to a very strong start and continues to accelerate,” Zients said.

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) approved on September 24 the third dose of the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine for those over 65 and people at risk.

In fact, the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine is the only vaccine that is fully approved for use by the FDA, as the other two available, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson, have emergency clearance.

On this, Zients said that the Government is waiting for the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to approve the third dose of the other two laboratories to expand its distribution.

“We have the supply of vaccines and we will be ready to start when any additional vaccines are authorized,” said the expert.

At that press conference, Zients also explained that 77% of Americans who are of vaccine age have received at least one dose.

However, 66 million Americans, not counting children under 12, are not yet vaccinated.

On the other hand, the director of the CDC, Rochelle Walensky, celebrated that the United States has registered 92,600 cases per day in the last week, which represents a drop of 12% compared to the previous week.

During this period, the number of hospitalizations and deaths in the US has also decreased by 11% and 5%, respectively.

USA It is the country hardest hit by the pandemic in absolute terms, with more than 700,000 deaths.


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