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Noboa tells Pope Francis he will continue “fighting”

The president of Ecuador, Daniel Noboaassured the Pope today that he will continue to “fight”, after Francis encouraged him at the end of the 30-minute audience that both held for the first time this Monday at the Vatican.

“We will continue fighting” The president responded, after the pontiff encouraged him – “Courage“, he told him – when saying goodbye and ending the meeting at the Apostolic Palace, according to images released by Holy See.

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The meeting between the pontiff and Noboawho is on an international tour that will also take him to France and Spain, started at 8:45am (6:45am GMT), ahead of schedule, and ended at 9:15am (7:15am GMT), and then met with the Secretary of State, Pietro paroleand with the Secretary of Relations with state, Paul Richard Gallagher.

“O socioeconomic situationwith special reference to youth employment, as well as public safety” and immigration, focused the conversations that Noboa kept in Vaticanexplained the Holy See is a statement.

What is more, “During cordial discussions at the State Secretarysatisfaction was expressed for the good relations between Ecuador and the Holy See, and for the positive collaboration between the Church and State”, he added.

The Pope received Noboawho started the meeting with a serious gesture, but left with a smile, and his wife, Lavinia ValbonesiWho told you: “Dad, it’s an honor to meet you, thank you very much for having us.”

So, alone with the president, Francisco explained to him that Ecuador Brought back memories: “like when I was rector of the Jesuit college I went to work there”, necessary.

After the private meeting, the remaining delegation, which included the Minister of Foreign Relations and Human Mobility in Ecuador, Gabriela Sommerfeldand the giving of gifts.

The Ecuadorian president gave the pontiff a reproduction of the Virgin of the Swan, made by artisans from his country, which Francis considered “Beautiful“, while Noboa I explained to him that “People are very devout in the south” of the country, before adding: “I was also very devout, especially when I was a child, I always asked questions, I didn’t understand.” the swan thing.

The pope gave him a bronze work representing a dove carrying an olive branch, with the inscription ‘Be messengers of peace‘ and said to him: “That’s what we want to do at this time, when war is the best deal.”

He also handed him several pontifical documents: the Message for Peaceand this year, the book about Orbis Station of March 27, 2020 and the volume in andl Papal Audience Apartment.

At the end of the visit to the Vatican, Noboa met with the president of the hospital Pediatric Bambino Gesú, Tiziano Onestias well as with the president of the Occurring Schools, José Maria Corral.

This afternoon, the Ecuadorian president will visit the main organizations of the UN in Pomegranate to meet with its senior officials and this will begin with the president of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Álvaro Lário.

He will also meet with the general director of the Organization of UN for Food and Agriculture (FAO), Qu Dong Yuand the executive director of World Food Program (AMP), Cindy McCain.

The Ecuadorian president announced last Wednesday through a decree that he would go on an eleven-day trip to Europe, including Italy, France and Spain between this Friday and May 21st, but without specifying the details of the agenda or the days that they will. remain in each of the three European countries.

In addition to his wife and the chancellor, Noboa He travels accompanied by the deputy secretary general of the presidential office, Cynthia Gellibert; and that of Protocol and Ceremonial, Gicela Andradein addition to the Director of Territory Logistics, Juan Bleggi.

The president makes this trip when he is close to completing six months in office, marked by “internal armed conflict” declared against the organized crime and the recent crisis with Mexico for the attack on his embassy to arrest Jorge Glasformer vice president of Rafael Corrêa (2007-2017).

Source: Elcomercio

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