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Michael Cohen describes Trump’s ‘modus operandi’ to prevent leaked ‘affairs’

The former lawyer and former right-hand man donald trump, michael cohenrevealed this Monday in the criminal case that the former president faces in New York how he insisted that “alleged extramarital relationships that could have affected his 2016 election campaign not come to light.”

“The objective was to prevent the story from being sold or commercialized to an external sourcehe detailed Cohen after explaining what his intermediary role was specifically with the American tabloid The National Inquisitor.

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According to your story, Cohen was in charge of executing the former president’s requests so that the aforementioned media, led by the media mogul David Peckerexercised the tactic known in English as ‘catch and kill (‘catch and kill’, in Spanish) to acquire the publishing rights to these supposed ‘cases’, but ultimately put them away in a drawer and never see the light of day.

Trump is accused of falsification of accounting documents buy the silence of the porn actress Stormy Daniels and thus safeguard his reputation in the face of the 2016 elections, in which he would ultimately prevail.

The scheme, according to the Public Ministry, consisted of Cohen will advance the $130,000 payment to Daniels so that their alleged relationship would not be revealed, which later had to be reimbursed to the former lawyer, as part of a conspiracy that served to “corrupt” the aforementioned elections.

Another woman’s name highlighted in the case is that of Karen McDougala Playboy model who also tried to leak an affair with Trump and for whose silence Cohen contacted Woodpecker.

First, I “asked” trump “If he knew who he was,” Cohen recalled when questioned by the Public Prosecutor’s Office, to which the former president allegedly responded: “It’s very pretty.”

I said ‘fine’, but now he’s trying to sell a (love) story.“, he recalled this Monday Cohen.

Make sure it doesn’t come to light“, I would respond trumpaccording to Cohen assuming that “had to be acquired” the story applying the ‘catch and kill’ technique.

What he told us (Woodpecker) was that he could be on the lookout for anything negative about Mr. trump and this could help us know in advance what would come out and try to prevent it from happening”Advanced Cohen, who detailed that the media executive ended up receiving 150 thousand dollars to keep the story secret.

On the other hand, Cohen He added that they were also aware of the publication of negative stories about rivals of trump in The National Inquisitor and exemplified with an envelope Hillary Clinton: Hillary Clinton “He appeared with very thick glasses, among some accusations that he had a brain injury.”

What is more, Cohen the former lawyer who trump it was “charmed”With the role of this tabloid because its great competitive advantage was being present in the majority of“supermarket and grocery store cash registers”, suggesting that it reached a large part of society.

Source: Elcomercio

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