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European Union removes four Venezuelans from sanctions list to support elections in July

European Union removes four Venezuelans from sanctions list to support elections in July

European Union removes four Venezuelans from sanctions list to support elections in July

O European Union (EU) this Monday temporarily removed four Venezuelans from its sanctions lists, including the president of the electoral authority, in a gesture to “strengthen” the process of the July 28 presidential elections, which, however, was described as “erroneous”by the government in Caracas.

The list of Venezuelan officials benefiting includes the president of National Electoral Council (CNE), Elvis Lovingas well as three other former members” of that institution: the former general secretary Xavier Moreno Reyesand former directors Help Hernández It is Leonardo Morales Poleo.

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With this important and positive sign, we recognize the recent encouraging steps and reaffirm our commitment and support for the smooth running of the electoral process“said the spokesperson for the EU diplomatic service, Pedro Stanowho also indicated that the measure seeks to “strengthen Venezuelan efforts towards inclusive and competitive presidential elections”.

The sanctions on another 50 officials were, however, ratified, for a shorter period, until January 10, 2025, the constitutionally established date for the inauguration of the elected president, Stano said.

The Maduro government rejected that all sanctions imposed Venezuela.

They deceptively remove some members of the National Electoral Council from the sanctioned list to supposedly send a signal of good faith, of relief, and we categorically say that we reject this position, the Venezuelan State is a single State, it cannot be fragmented.“, declared the Venezuelan chancellor, Yvan Gil.

I categorically reject the European Union’s attempts to coerce me, as well as the Electoral Power“, said Amoroso, in the same vein. “It would be unworthy and disloyal to accept this gift of European Union just for me (…) when the right thing is to lift all the sanctions imposed”.

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He CNE invited the EU to observe the elections, in which the president Nicolás Maduro He will seek a third term that would project him to 18 years in power. He faces it Edmundo González Urrutiaappointed by the majority opposition on behalf of the disqualified leader Maria Corina Machado.

The EU “will continue to cooperate closely with the CNE for the possible deployment of an Electoral Observation Mission to provide an independent and impartial assessment of the electoral process” It is “remains committed to supporting a Venezuela-led inclusive dialogue process and democratic progress towards political coexistenceStano noted.

The bloc sent a mission in 2021 to the last elections for mayor and governor, in which it identified considerable improvements in the voting system, but also irregularities. Their presence ended abruptly after Maduro called them “enemies” It is “spies”.

Source: Elcomercio

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