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Zelensky asks Blinken for two additional Patriot systems to defend Kharkiv

The president of Ukraine, Volodimir Zelenskyasked the US Secretary of State today, Anthony Blinkenwhat washington send two additional Patriot missile systems to defend the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv and the rest of that northeast region attacked by Russia.

During a meeting held with Blink in Kyiv, Zelensky I affirm this Ukraine have yours”biggest deficit”in anti-aircraft systems. “I think that’s the biggest problem”added the head of Ukrainian statequoted by the national news agency Ukrinform.

READ TOO: The Russian army improves its positions near Vovchansk and towards the capital Kharkiv

The Ukrainian president also highlighted “the need to receive more missiles U.S. For us it is essential that they arrive as quickly as possible”he said Zelensky in view of Blinkwho traveled this Tuesday by surprise to Kyiv to reaffirm support USA at a particularly difficult time for Ukraine on the battlefield.

Blink confirmed that part of the military aid approved by the USA last month already reached Ukraine while another part of this material is “on the way”. He was convinced that this new help “will have effect”on the battlefield, where he recognized that the Ukrainians pass“hard moments”.

The secretary of US state added that washington will do everything possible for Ukraine to overcome challenges with the rest of its partners.”critics” that he will face in the coming months.

Russia opened a new front last Friday in the Ukrainian region of Kharkiv with a cross-border attack that took the fighting to the Ukrainian side of the border. According to himself ZelenskyThe Russian objective is to disperse Ukrainian troops and force them to neglect other fronts on which Russia It’s been progressing for months.

According to the Ukrainian president, the two leaders will also speak during the visit of Blink for Kyiv of the bilateral security agreement in which they work Ukraine and the United States.

Zelensky also asked Blink help Ukraine attract as many countries as possible to the appeal Peace Summit which will be held in mid-June in Swiss.

Source: Elcomercio

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