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Death toll from devastating Afghanistan floods rises to over 350

The death toll from the devastating floods in Afghanistan increased this Tuesday to more than 350 as emergency teams from the Taliban Search and assistance operations continue for the more than a thousand people injured by this catastrophe.

Since Monday “military forces found 10 dead bodies under a collapsed house”in the northern province of Baghlanthe provincial governor’s spokesperson told EFE, Mullah Aalam Majidi.

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The number of deaths offered by the Ministry of Refugees increased to 352 with this new balance, in which another 1,630 were injured by these floods, which hit the Afghan provinces of Baghlan, Takhar, Badakhshan, Herat and Ghor.

More than 8,828 homes were left in total or partially destroyed by floods, according to the latest count from the Afghan Ministry of Disaster Management.

The teams of emergency continue for the fifth consecutive day of rescue operations and emergency assistance to victims.

In the district of Burka, in the province of Baghlanone of the most affected by the catastrophe, tents were set up with medical material and supplies to care for those affected.

The situation is normal, victims receive the necessary facilities, basic and emergency packages that include food, potable watertents, blankets, medicines and health equipment” he added Majidi.

In turn, survivors of the catastrophe They continue searching for missing relatives in hopes of finding them alive.

Some people’s family members are still missing due to the floods and people, with the cooperation of the government and other institutions, are searching for them.“, he told EFE in turn Haitaullahresident of the village of flolin Burqa.

Afghanistan It is one of the 10 countries most vulnerable to climate change, with extreme weather, floods, droughts and sand and dust storms. Added to this is the devastation of this country destroyed over decades of armed conflict and now under the control of Taliban.

Source: Elcomercio

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