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Relative of Venezuelan opponent Antonio Ledezma pleads guilty to money laundering in the US.

Argentine Fernando Vuteff, son-in-law of the Venezuelan opponent Antonio Ledezmawho was mayor of Caracasreached a plea deal on a charge related to a scheme to embezzle millions of dollars from Venezuelan state oil company PDVSA.

According to the agreement, Vuffet will plead guilty to the charge of conspiracy to commit money laundering.

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The judge Darrin Gayleof the Southern District of Florida, scheduled the hearing for August 1st, in which Vuteff will be sentenced, according to court documents.

In 2022, Vuffet was charged with money laundering for his alleged role in an international conspiracy of 1.2 billion dollars to launder corruptly obtained funds PDVSA.

According to the Public Ministry, Vuteff and other co-conspirators conspired between 2014 and 2018 to launder the proceeds of an illegal bribery scheme using the U.S. financial system as well as various bank accounts located abroad.

“The conspirators laundered illicit profits in connection with a corrupt scheme foreign currency exchange that involved bribes to Venezuelan authorities“, detailed the Public Ministry.

Vuteff and his accomplices discussed and agreed to create relationships and sophisticated financial mechanisms necessary to launder more than $200 million, according to the Prosecutor’s office.

Likewise, opening accounts for or in the name of at least two Venezuelan public authorities to receive their bribe payments.

Source: Elcomercio

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