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The United States removes Cuba from the list of countries that do not cooperate against terrorism

U.S came out this wednesday Cuba and kept Venezuela in the group of countries that do not fully cooperate in its fight anti-terroristbut Havana remains on the black list of state sponsors of terrorism.

In a report sent to Congress, the head of North American diplomacy Anthony Blinkenstated that four countries –Will, North Korea, Syria It is Venezuela-, “do not fully cooperate”in the international anti-terrorism fight.

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According to the State Department, Cuba was on the list last year because of his refusal to extradite Colombia to the militants of the guerrilla group National Liberation Army (ELN, Guevarista).

Colombia’s first left-wing president, Gustavo Pedroit has since suspended arrest warrants for the guerrillas, the State Department said.

Additionally, the United States and Cuba resumed police cooperation in 2023, including combat terrorism,” said a State Department spokesperson.

This led to the government of President Joe Biden to conclude that “is no longer appropriate“include Cuba among countries”who do not fully cooperate”.

The Cuban government reacted. The president, Miguel Díaz-Canelstated on social network X that this confirms “what is widely known, that Cuba cooperates in the fight against terrorism”.

U.Sshould do the right thing consistent with that position: remove #Cuba from the State Department’s arbitrary list and end the coercive economic measures that accompany it“, he said.

The Chancellor Bruno Rodríguez described the US decision as “political manipulation”, in a message published on the same social network.

The relationship between the two countries is tense.

MORE INFORMATION: Manuel Rocha: former US ambassador sentenced to 15 years in prison for spying for Cuba for decades

For more than six decades, Washington imposed a trade embargo on Cuba that the former president donald trump (2017-2021) reinforced by once again including the island on its black list of sponsors of terrorism, a measure that makes transactions and investments difficult because companies are exposed to US sanctions.

Biden, her Democratic successor, kept her on the payroll and appears unwilling to reconcile with the regime. To Havanaespecially after the repression of anti-government demonstrations.

The US president promised congressmen that he would not remove Cuba from the black list of sponsoring states, which also includes Iran, North Korea and Syria.

Source: Elcomercio

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