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Who is Robert Kennedy Jr., the independent candidate who could take votes from Biden

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has nearly 10% support among registered voters in the most contested states of U.Sis the best positioned independent candidate in the last 30 years, but was not invited to participate in the two debates agreed between the Democrat Joe Biden and the republican donald trumpfavorites to win this year’s November elections.

“They try to exclude me from the debate because they are afraid I will win. “Keeping viable candidates off the debate stage undermines democracy,” he said Wednesday. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.70 years old, in a message on his account on the social network X.

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trump It is Biden “They are colluding to force the United States into a face-to-face confrontation that 70% (of Americans) say they don’t want,” he added.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. speaks during a campaign event in Oakland, California, March 26, 2024. (Photo by JOSH EDELSON/AFP). (JOSH EDELSON/)

“If Americans want to escape the gridlock of the two-party system, now is the time to do so. These are the two most unpopular candidates in living memory“, sustained.

Initially, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced its intention to compete against Biden in the Democratic primaries, but in October last year he resigned to launch his candidacy as an independent.

But why can’t you participate in the debates that will take place on June 27th and September 10th?

To be able to participate in the debates organized by CNN and ABC News, candidates must obtain at least a 15% in four national election polls registered or probable voters, and that the candidacy is accepted in a minimum of states to be able to win the elections, in accordance with the rules imposed by these corporations.

Kennedy Jr. He guaranteed that he will meet the conditions for the CNN debate on June 27th. “I am pleased to inform you that I will be eligible to participate in the CNN debate by the June 20 deadline,” he said.

According to NBC News, Kennedy Jr. has already polled 15% in at least two of the four required polls.

But according to his own campaign, His candidacy was accepted by the electoral authorities of only five states (Delaware, Michigan, Utah, Oklahoma and California) which have a total of 85 delegates in the Electoral College, far from the 270 needed to win the elections.

A supporter holds an American flag during a Robert F. Kennedy Jr. campaign event (Photo by JOSH EDELSON/AFP).

A supporter holds an American flag during a Robert F. Kennedy Jr. campaign event (Photo by JOSH EDELSON/AFP). (JOSH EDELSON/)

An analysis of polls conducted by The New York Times, Siena College and The Philadelphia Inquirer revealed that the candidacy of Kennedydriven by social media and younger voters, could end up harming Biden.

In research where Kennedy and other independent candidates, Jill Stein and Cornel West, intend to vote in favor Biden It fell to 33%, a percentage so low that it was alarming for the president. The surveys focused on the states that will be the most disputed: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Kennedy was strongest in polls among voters under 30 (18% support) and the Latino community (14%), two of the groups that tend to be solid Democratic voters, indicates the NYT.

Buttons for sale at a rally for independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on May 13, 2024 in Austin, Texas.  (Photo SERGIO FLORES/AFP).

Buttons for sale at a rally for independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on May 13, 2024 in Austin, Texas. (Photo SERGIO FLORES/AFP). (SÉRGIO FLORES/)

The American newspaper highlighted that the impulse to Kennedy It comes from the rise of social media and the ability to communicate your message directly to voters. Among the approximately 1 in 6 voters who said they consume most of their news through social media, Kennedy obtained 16% of the votes, almost equal to 18% of Biden.

Among independent voters, Kennedy had 16% support. But his supporters say they are much less committed to him than Biden or Trump supporters, and are less likely to vote, the NYT noted.

Trump leads the polls by six percentage points when placed alone with Biden. If Kennedy and the other independent candidates are included, the Republican will have a seven-point lead over the Democrat.

Robert Kennedy Jr. testifies at hearing on

testifies at the hearing on “the militarization of the federal government” at the Capitol in Washington, DC, on July 20, 2023. (Photo by Jim WATSON / AFP). (JIM WATSON/)

Roberto Kennedy Jr. was born January 17, 1954 in Washington, DC. Her father, Robert Kennedy, was attorney general and U.S. senator before seeking the Democratic nomination for president. He is also nephew of former American president John F. Kennedy. Both were murdered.

He is the third of 11 children born to Robert Kennedy and Ethel Kennedy.

A lawyer by profession, he has earned a reputation as a writer and activist for indigenous and environmental causes, such as those related to water. Also He is a known anti-vaccine and promoter of conspiracy theories.

Considered as the “black sheep” of the KennedysAt age 29, he was arrested for possession of heroin.

In 1984 he joined riversidean organization dedicated to protecting the Hudson River in New York.

He also founded the Waterkeeper Alliance, which works to ensure safe drinking water.

As an activist anti-vaccinesfounded the group Child Health Advocacy, which campaigns against vaccination. His work in this field has been described by members of his own family and public health experts as misleading and dangerous.

His anti-vaccine efforts intensified with the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. During a speech he noted: “The moment you receive your vaccination passport, any rights you have become a privilege conditional on your obedience to arbitrary Government mandates.”.

According to Voice of America, Child Health Advocacy has a lawsuit pending against several news organizations, including the Associated Press, accusing them of violating antitrust laws by taking steps to identify misinformation, including about COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccines. Kennedy said goodbye to the group when he announced his candidacy for president, but is listed as one of its lawyers in the lawsuit.

Vice presidential candidate Nicole Shanahan speaks during a rally for independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on May 13, 2024 in Austin, Texas.  (Photo SERGIO FLORES/AFP).

Vice presidential candidate Nicole Shanahan speaks during a rally for independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on May 13, 2024 in Austin, Texas. (Photo SERGIO FLORES/AFP). (SÉRGIO FLORES/)

Roberto Kennedy Jr. also appeared at events where it is promoted Conspiracy theories and it is alleged that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Trump. Additionally, he has been linked to people who applauded or downplayed the attack on the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

The candidate Linked antidepressants to school shootingssaid that Chemicals in water can turn children into trans people and stated that HIV is not the cause of AIDS, but rather part of a conspiracy by pharmaceutical companies.

In February of this year, during the American football final, a television advertisement about his candidacy appeared, copied from the presidential campaign of John F. Kennedy in 1960 and which included family members, which outraged his family members even more.

According to the EFE agency, this advertising was not financed directly by him, but rather by a political action committee that supports him and to which the businessman donated 15 million dollars. Timothy Mellonwho also donated $10 million to a political action committee that supports trump.

Regarding international politics, Kennedy criticized US support for Ukraine for his war against Russia and supported Israel’s war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

In his campaign speeches, according to Voice of America, Kennedy He presents himself as a man who speaks the truth and has a history of fighting for the middle class against the interests of the powerful. He cites lawsuits he won against corporate giants like Monsanto and DuPont.

“I can fix this country,” he said in Las Vegas in February this year. “I have sued all these agencies that bully normal politicians (…) When you sue these agencies, you get a doctorate in corporate capture and how to unravel it,” he added.

Corporate capture refers to private interests using their influence to control government decision-making, such as when they help write laws, VOA notes.

He said he wants to reduce military and healthcare spending in the United States due to the impact on budget deficits and combat rising housing costs so that young people can buy homes.

He wants to dismantle the public health bureaucracy and says he would tell the National Institutes of Health to refocus research on infectious diseases and vaccines for chronic diseases.

Source: Elcomercio

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