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Sánchez censors Javier Milei for being one of the leaders of the “international far right”

Sánchez censors Javier Milei for being one of the leaders of the “international far right”

Sánchez censors Javier Milei for being one of the leaders of the “international far right”

The President of the Government and Spanish socialist leader, Pedro Sanchesreferred this Saturday to the president of the Argentinathe ultraliberal Javier Mileias “one of the main leaders of the international extreme right”, a movement that “denies” science and women’s rights.

Spanish society represents “everything they detest and hate”said Sánchez in reference to “international far right”, which will meet this Sunday in Madrid at an event called by the Spanish party Vox, with the participation of Mileiamong other foreign guests.

READ TOO: Javier Milei: “The Central Bank closure plan is still in force”

It is feminism, social justice, labor dignity, a strong welfare statedemocracy“, detailed the Spanish ruler at a socialist event in the city of Barcelona with a view to the European elections on June 9th.

To the president of ArgentinaSpecifically, he referred Sanchez as “one of the main leaders of the international extreme right”, current of “denial” of science and women’s rights that also affects Spain.

He assured me that he doesn’t want “Let the men in black and the scissors return far right with his chainsawnoted referring, on the one hand, to the strict austerity measures imposed since 2012 by the European Union due to the strong economic crisis at the time and, on the other hand, Mileiwho campaigned with a chainsaw in his hands.

I prefer Sanchezon the contrary, “more social Europe, coexistence, social justice.”

At the presentation of your book ‘The path of the Libertarian’, Milei said this Friday in Madrid that the idea of ​​social justice is “aberrant”,resentful” It is “envious“, and implies an agreement”uneven“Before the Law.

During your current stay in Spain He is not expected to meet with any national authority, after the recent diplomatic crisis between the Spanish Government and Mileiwhen the Minister of Transport, the socialist Oscar Puentesuggested that the Argentine president take “substances”.

Source: Elcomercio

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