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Spain, Ireland and Norway will recognize Palestine as a state on May 28

Spain, Ireland and Norway will recognize Palestine as a state on May 28

Spain, Ireland and Norway will recognize Palestine as a state on May 28

Spain, Ireland It is Norway announced this Wednesday their decision to recognize Palestine as a State at the end of the month, a step that shows the division in European Unionwhich has struggled unsuccessfully to find a common position since the start of the war in Link.

It took many, many months“that the 27 Member States I would ask”a ceasefire in Link”, It is will reiterate “your support for the two-state solution”the Israeli and the Palestinian, but “We have to be honest and recognize that it is not enough“, declared before Parliament the President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sanches.

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Sánchez, who for months negotiated with other European capitals to take this step, announced that Spain will recognize the state Palestinian 28 in It couldwhat will they also do Ireland It is Norwaythe latter European country, but not in the EU.

Israel He responded by calling his ambassadors in the three countries for consultations.

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, appears at his request before the Congress plenary this Wednesday, where he announced that the Council of Ministers will approve the recognition of Palestine as a State on May 28th. (EFE/JJ Guillén). (JJ Guillén/)

“The time has come to move from words to action”launched Sánchez, who stated that the policy of “pain It is so much destruction of the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahuputs the two-state solution “in danger”.

AND the latter is the “the only credible path to peace and security for Israel and Palestine, It is for your people“, stated the Irish Prime Minister of Dublin, Simon Harris.

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France and Germany, reluctant

Madrid, Dublin and Oslo They hope to be imitated by other European countries.

In March, leaders Slovenia and malt signed Brussels a joint statement with Madrid and Dublinexpressing his desire to take the same step.

The Slovenian government adopted a decree to that effect on 9 It couldwith the intention of sending it to Parliament for approval before 13 June.

Until now, Sweden, which made the gesture in 2014, was the only country to recognize for Palestine as statebeing a member of HUH. Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania and Cyprus They did so, but before joining the bloc.

But the question of state Palestine, recognized by 142 of the 193 member states of the UN according to the Authority Palestineto divide for The EU.

This was evident in the words of the French chancellor, Stephane Séjournéwho this Wednesday assured AFP that the recognition of Palestine “It is not a taboo for France”, but that this was not a good time.

The decision must be “a diplomatic tool at the service of resolving two states that coexist in peace and security”, he said.

Germanywhich also defends the two-state solution, considers that the recognition of Palestine It must be the result of direct negotiations between the conflicting parties.

Saudi Arabia Instead, he praised the initiative of Madrid, Dublin and Oslowhich he described as “positive decision”.

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“Serious consequences”

The Madrid, Dublin initiative It is Oslo was welcomed as the beginning of an “important stage” for the Palestinian Islamic movement of Hamas and in fact “historic” by the Liberation Organization Palestine (OLP), considered internationally as the only legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.

Stating that he does not “will be silent”, Israel summoned its ambassadors for consultations in Norway, Ireland It is Spain. “The hasty steps” of these countries “will have more serious consequences”, said the Israeli Foreign Minister in a statement. Israel Katz.

The minister added that the ambassadors of these three European countries They would also be summoned to the Israeli Foreign Ministry for a reprimanding conversation.

Norway played a key role in the peace process Middle East in the 1990s, hosting the first conversations that led for O Oslo Accords and the historic handshake at the White House in 1993 between the Israeli government Yitzhak Rabin and Palestinian Yasser Arafat.

This process began in Madrid with one Arab-Israeli Peace Conference in October 1991.

The war in Link broke out due to the unprecedented attack of Hamas on October 7, which left more than 1,170 people dead, most of them civilians, according to an AFP report prepared from official Israeli sources.

Since then, more than 35,000 Palestinians, most of them civiliansdied in the Gaza Strip due to Israeli bombings and military operations, according to the Hamas-run Ministry of Health. Link.

Source: Elcomercio

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