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Hamas welcomes the decision of Spain, Norway and Ireland to recognize the Palestinian state

Hamas welcomes the decision of Spain, Norway and Ireland to recognize the Palestinian state

Hamas welcomes the decision of Spain, Norway and Ireland to recognize the Palestinian state

The Islamic organization Hamas thanked in a statement this Wednesday the decision to Spain, Norway It is Ireland to recognize the Palestinian State.

Hamas He assured that this recognition is a “important step” to establish “the right to your land”, as well as establishing an independent Palestinian state “with Jerusalem as its capital.”

READ TOO: Spain, Ireland and Norway will recognize Palestine as a state on May 28

In the statement, the Islamic organization called on other countries to recognize their “legitimate national rightss”, as well as “supporting the cause of the Palestinian people for liberation and independence” and “end the Zionist occupation”.

After the words of Hamaswho has ruled de facto in the Gaza Strip since 2007, the two Palestinian sources of power have already manifested themselves, since the president of the Palestinian National Authority (ANP), Mahmoud Abbasalso celebrated the decision with another statement today.

According to the leader of the ANP, who governs in West Bankthe decision contributes to the “consecration of the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination in their land and the adoption of real measures to support the implementation of the two-way solution state”.

The secretary general of Palestine Liberation Organization (OLP), Hussein al-Sheikhdescribed the decision as Spain, Ireland and Norway in “historic moment after long decades of Palestinian national struggle, suffering, pain, occupation, racism, murder, oppression, abuse and destruction”

“We thank the countries of the world that have recognized and will recognize the independent State of Palestine. We affirm that this is the path to stability, security and peace in the regionhe stated.

More specifically, the Presidency took note regarding the announcement of Pedro Sanches what “This step reflects Spain’s willingness to support the Palestinian people and their inalienable rights and legitimate for your land and your homeland”.

In total, 140 countries recognize the Palestinian State, eight of them European –Bulgaria, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Cyprus and Sweden – as well as almost all Arab countries or the historically linked to unaligned movement.

Israel reacted immediately by calling its ambassadors Ireland and Norwaywho made the announcement first, and warned Spain to take similar measures if it took the same step.

Ireland and Norway “They intend to send a message to the Palestinians and the entire world today: terrorism is worth it.”said the Israeli Foreign Minister, Israel Katz, who considered that the recognition of Palestine is equivalent to “reward Hamas.”

Source: Elcomercio

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