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Pentagon says Russia launched weapon toward US satellite

Pentagon says Russia launched weapon toward US satellite

Pentagon says Russia launched weapon toward US satellite

Russia launched what is likely a space weapon and deployed it in the same orbit as a government satellite U.Sindicated the Pentagon.

Russia He released The satellite to the low Earth orbit we evaluate is probably a weapon counterspacepresumably capable of attacking other satellites in low Earth orbit,” said the spokesman for PentagonAir Force General Pat Ryderat a press conference on Tuesday night.

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He “weapon antispace” Russian released on May 16 has been deployed “in the same orbit as a satellite of the American governmentRyder said, adding that washington will continue to monitor the situation and is ready to protect your interests.

We have a responsibility to be prepared to protect and defend the Spatial domain”, he added.

The spokesperson for Kremlin, Dmitri Peskovdeclined to comment when asked about reports that Moscow had launched a weapon space.

I cannot comment on this in any way. We act in absolute accordance with international law, we do not violate anything and we have repeatedly advocated the prohibition of any weapon In space“, he said at a press conference in Moscow.

Unfortunately, these initiatives of ours were rejected, even by U.S”.

On Tuesday, Moscow accused U.S of wanting to put weapons in space after Washington vetoed a Russian motion on non-proliferation at the United Nations.

They demonstrated once again that their true priorities in outer space are not to keep space free of weapons of any kind, but rather to place weapons in space and turn it into a theater of war. confrontation military“Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman said in a statement, Maria Zakharova.

In recent months, the two superpowers have accused each other of wanting to weaponize space. In this context, washington It is Moscow proposed different non-proliferation motions in the United Nations.

Russia vetoed the US initiative in April, while the US proposal Moscow it failed by not getting enough votes on Monday.

Source: Elcomercio

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