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Ukraine urgently requests more Patriot systems following Russian attack on Kharkiv that left seven civilians dead

The government of Ukraine today again urgently appealed to allied countries that have Patriot anti-missile systems to immediately send seven additional units of this means of anti-aircraft defense, after a Russian attack this Thursday killed at least seven people in the city of Kharkiv.

“This heinous attack should remind everyone around the world that Ukraine still urgently need seven systems Patriot“Kiev’s Foreign Minister wrote on his social networks, Dmitro Kulebawhich thanked Germany for committing to send one of these systems that it requests Ukraine and encouraged other countries to follow suit.

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Kuleba explicitly addressed countries that have air defenses capable of shooting down all missiles in the Russian arsenal.

“This is not about highlighting anyone, but once again I appeal to the countries that Patriots to accelerate decisions and deliver these systems to Ukraine” he claimed Kuleba. “They are needed now, not tomorrow. Unfortunately, mere words of solidarity do not intercept Russian missiles”, stressed the head of Ukrainian diplomacy.

According to the latest provisional count, seven people died in Kharkiv -the biggest of Ukraine after Kiev- in one Russian attack with S-300 missiles that hit a printing plant in the city.

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Located near the border with Russia, Kharkiv has been especially punished since late last year by shelling by the Russian army.which on May 13 opened a new front just a few dozen kilometers north of the city, after managing to cross the border and take part of the Ukrainian border territory.

The president Volodimir Zelensky – which declared a month ago that Ukraine needs at least seven more Patriot systems to protect itself with certain guarantees against Russian attacks – had already censured the international community for its lack of determination when it comes to providing Ukraine with air defense means you need. .

Zelensky explained that Russia today launched its attack on Kharkiv from its side of the border and regretted that the majority of members Ukraine continue to prohibit him from using his weapons to strike military targets on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The Ukrainian president reproached the international community for its “weakness” in confronting Russian “terror”.

Source: Elcomercio

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