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Macron suspends controversial census reform that sparked New Caledonia riots

Macron suspends controversial census reform that sparked New Caledonia riots

Macron suspends controversial census reform that sparked New Caledonia riots

The president FrenchEmmanuel Macron announced this Thursday that he will suspend the controversial reform of the electoral roll that began 12 days ago with the uprising of independence supporters in the overseas territory of New Caledonia, resulting in six deaths and “colossal” material damage.

“After listening to everyone, I committed to ensuring that this reform does not come into force in the current context. “Let’s give ourselves a few weeks to resume dialogue with a view to a global agreement”, Macron told the press at the end of his express visit to the archipelago, located 17 thousand kilometers from France.

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Macron considered “the lifting of pickets and blockades” by young independence supporters as an indispensable condition so that the political parties involved can sit down and talk, in reference to pro-French and independence parties.

“When we verify that these blockages have effectively been lifted, political dialogue must be resumed immediately, together with the launch of a mediation mission,” explained Macron, who will evaluate these advances within a month.

He “new global agreement“what the president desires must include several points, including the reform of the electoral roll – a subject that unnerves Kanak independence activists because its extension is considered harmful to them -, a plan to make the economy less dependent on nickel and” the issue of vote of self-determination”, about which he did not give further details.

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This global agreement, announced Macron, must subsequently be submitted to a vote by the residents of New Caledonia.

Source: Elcomercio

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