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Evo Morales remains leader of MAS after decision by the Bolivian electoral body

The electoral body of Bolivia rejected the ruling party congress this Thursday Movement for Socialism (MAS) promoted by organizations linked to the Government of Luis Arce and which relegated the former president Evo Morales (2006-2019), who continues to be the leader of this political party.

The resolution of Supreme Electoral Court (TSE) established “reject the MAS National Congress” which took place between the 3rd and 5th of May in the city of The tallneighbor of Peacewho elected the leader Grover Garcia as its new president to replace Morales.

LOOK HERE: Evo Morales says that Bolivia would be in an “internal war” if the MAS did not exist

The vice president of the TSE, Francisco Vargasexplained that the decision follows the report of the Intercultural Democratic Strengthening Service (Sifde) who is “duly substantiated”and this warns that at the El Alto congress“Was not fulfilled”with the statute of the ADVANCE.

Vargas indicated that the statute grants powers to the president and vice-president of the party, such as the possession of the powers commission and the ‘presidency‘, something that did not happen at the El Alto meeting due to Morales’ absence.

Likewise, he mentioned that “requirements were not met for those who would have been elected”.

It is also noted that not all delegates registered in the political organization participated.” he added.

The vice-president of the TSE indicated that “is current”the 2017 resolution designating the MAS board headed by Evo Moralesso the former ruler continues to be the leader of that political party.

The electoral body asks “that the statutes of political organizations are strictly complied with” is that “If they have to agree, they have to do it”, as in the case of MAS, said Vargas.

For your part, Wilfredo Chavezlawyer for the ‘evista’ bloc of the ruling party, highlighted that the faction that supports Morales will remain in “emergency” in view of the possible actions of the ‘arcist’ wing, which responds to President Arce.

Before the TSE resolution became known, some leaders of social organizations linked to the Government warned “to take” to the offices of the electoral body if the El Alto meeting is rejected.

Arce and Morales have been apart since 2021, and last year their differences deepened due to the holding of a national party congress in which, in the absence of the president and his loyal sectors, the former president was ratified as leader of the MAS and appointed “single candidate”for the 2025 elections.

MORE INFORMATION: Arce annuls decree on private property to “avoid a social upheaval” in Bolivia

Arce and the vice president David Choquehuanca They did not attend that meeting because they considered that social organizations, the base of the party, were not properly represented.

Tensions increased after the TSE decided to annul the 2023 congress and instruct the convening of a new consensus, something with which both pro-government factions also did not agree.

The bloc supporting Morales called its own ruling party congress for July 10 in the city of Villa Tunariat the Tropic of Cochabambathe former president’s main political and trade union stronghold.

Source: Elcomercio

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