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Trump will have Nikki Haley “on his team” if elected president

Former American President donald trump (2017-2021) guaranteed that it will have the former ambassador of USA before the UN and former governor of South Carolina, Nikki Haleyif he wins the presidential elections scheduled for November 5th.

“I think she (Haley) will be on our team in some capacity because we share ideas and have the same thoughts.”the likely candidate for Game Republican -must be made official in Republican National Convention July – after a huge rally in Bronx (New York).

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The words of trump about who was his last internal rival in the race for Presidency They come one day after she publicly declared that she will vote for the former president because, “although he is not perfect”, a second term for the Democrat Joe Biden “It would be a catastrophe,” he said.

These statements were surprising after the vehement criticism during the primary process of his former opponent, whom he often described as “disturbed”.

“We had a nasty campaign“But he is a very capable person and I am sure he will be on our team in some way.” Trump emphasized.

In a post on your platform Social Truth On May 11, the former US Chief Executive wrote that Haley “she is not being considered” as his vice presidential candidate.

This Thursday, trump He avoided answering the specific question about whether he was considering her for that position and instead listed the names of other Republican politicians who “They are doing a fantastic job”: Marco senators Blonde It is JD Vancethe congresswoman Elise Stefanik and the doctor Ben Carson.

O Republican National Convention It is scheduled for July 15th to 18th in Milwaukee and it will be there that “at some point” he will reveal the name of who would occupy the vice-presidency in a hypothetical return of the conservative politician to the presidency. The White House.

The manifestation of trump This Thursday in Brox was his first major electoral event and took place after more than a month participating in a New Yorkwhere he is criminally accused of forging documents to buy the porn actress’ silence Stormy Daniels and thus protect your 2016 electoral campaign.

Source: Elcomercio

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