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Russia and Iran confirm their path towards a strategic partnership despite Raisí’s death

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Sergei Lavrovand his acting Iranian counterpart, All Bagheri Khaniconfirmed their adherence to compliance with all agreements reached during the presidency of the Ebrahim Raisirecently died in a plane crash, and the continuation of both countries’ path towards a strategic partnership.

The parties confirmed their firm commitment to the unquestionable continuation of the course chosen by the leaders of both countries towards the formation of a strategic partnership between Russia and Iran“Russian diplomacy said in a statement after the telephone conversation held by Lavrov and Bagheri Khani.

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Foreign Affairs reported that Moscow It is Tehran they also endorsed “its willingness to comply with all agreements and existing projects in the most diverse spheres.”

Sergei Lavrov expressed his deep condolences to his Iranian colleague on the tragic death of the president. Raisi and the head of Iranian diplomacy, Hossein Amir Abdollahian“Russian diplomacy added.

For your part, Bagheri Kani thanked Moscow “attention and support” after the death of Iranian politicians.

The day before, the president of the Russia, Vladimir Putinexpressed himself in the same sense, making clear his hope that Iran’s foreign policy towards his country will remain unchanged after the death of the Persian leader.

Russia and Iran have strengthened their relations in recent years, especially since the start of the war in Ukraineas Tehran supplies drones to Moscow Shahid with which it bombs the territory of the neighboring country, although the Iranian authorities deny it.

Both countries signed a joint declaration against Western economic sanctions against them and condemned Israel’s disproportionate use of force against the Gaza Strip.

Largely thanks to the support of RussiaIran entered the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and last January in the group of emerging economies BRICS.

Source: Elcomercio

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