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The Palestinian government denounces the “torture and beatings” of Gaza prisoners by Israel

The Ministry of Prisoners and Former Detainees of the Palestinian National Authority (ANP) this Saturday denounced “the atrocious crimes” he is committing Israel against prisoners and detainees of the Gaza strip “with torture and beatings” in Israeli prisons and secret centers since October 7th.

The detainees (from Link) are being transferred to secret detention centers such as ‘Sde Taman’ in Néguez (in southern Israel), known for the harsh treatment to which prisoners are subjected, in addition to all types of severe and systematic torture“, he warns in a statement.

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In the note, he accuses the security services of Israel to subject detainees to “all kinds of torture” during interrogations with the aim of extracting information from them and who reject any request for visits from humanitarian organizations, such as the Committee International Red Cross.

The occupation imposes conditions extremely cruel and criminalthus violating all international norms and laws“, laments the ministry in its statement.

The ministry concludes its note by calling for the opening of an international investigation into “Israel’s crimes against defenseless prisoners” and that pressure is exerted so that lawyers, institutions and organizations can visit them and see the conditions they are in.

We appeal to the Palestinian national community and the various sectors and segments of our big city support and care for the families of prisoners and their children and support them in light of the harsh conditions in which our people live under the genocide” he adds.

Source: Elcomercio

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