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European elections: a journey to the “heart” of the Old Continent

European elections: a journey to the “heart” of the Old Continent

European elections: a journey to the “heart” of the Old Continent

Could Europe “die”, as Emmanuel Macron worried about during his big speech at the Sorbonne at the end of April? After the end of World War II, the Old Continent, which had paid so heavily for its past mistakes, began to consider itself a model of prosperity, freedom, stability and security.

On February 24, 2022, with the invasion of Ukraine on the cusp, the European horizon suddenly darkened. “We are not at war with Russia, but they have declared war on us,” says historian Thomas Gomard, director of the French Institute of International Relations (Ifri). The Kremlin is committed to the collapse of the European Union at its core. We can be defeated without being invaded,” continues the author of the book “The Acceleration of History” (Éditions Tallandier).

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Source: Le Parisien

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