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“These are our roots, our culture”: how Poland clings to the Catholic faith

Luke 1:37: “Faith does not make things easier, it makes them possible. » A New Testament verse written in white letters covers the entire black cloth. Aneta smiles: “Do you like my T-shirt? I just bought this. The 26-year-old young woman fully embraces herself as a Catholic “in her heart and in her head.”

In Krakow, the spiritual center of Poland, she lives her faith freely. The mass exodus from rural areas has led to the emergence of people in the city who do not miss mass. “I go there several times a week,” admits the nurse, whose blonde hair obscures part of the verse. Throughout its debates, the European Union has been concerned that its Christian roots are being undermined by the loss of Catholicism and competition from other religions. Krakow is trying to stay the course.

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Source: Le Parisien

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