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Former Argentine president Mauricio Macri reaffirms his support for Javier Milei’s ‘Basic Law’

The leader of the center-right party Republican Proposal (PRO) and former Argentine president (2015-2019), Mauricio Macrithis Sunday supported the ultraliberal president’s star project, Javier Mileiand asked the senators to give him the “tools to reduce inflation and organize the economy”.

The Senate is currently discussing the Basic Lawwhich already has half the approval of the Deputies, a Law that I personally support and that the senators of the PRO They will follow, because there are necessary and urgent reforms to get out of the crisis, reforms that we as a party have been demanding or proposing for years.“Macri wrote on his account X.

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O Legal bases and starting points for the freedom of ArgentinesMore known as ‘general law‘ or ‘basic law’, proposes strong reforms in the economy and is accompanied by a package of fiscal changes.

Is the law perfect? No, but in politics nothing is.. Given the extreme fragility of our economy, I believe it is important to give President Milei these tools to fulfill the mandate that Argentines gave him to reduce the inflation and order the economy. And the time we have to do this is not infinite.“, added the former president.

After three weeks of debate in committees, the expectation is that this coming week the senators will reach a consensus to debate the matter in the Chamber, although the lack of negotiations on the part of the libertarians has allowed changes to the articles of the law.

Some changes were accepted, but new complaints arose due to words excluded in the section referring to the powers delegated to the Executive and their impact on the public sector. It remains to be seen what he will say. Javier Mileithe first time (last February) that the project was highly modified, he preferred to withdraw it.

At PRO we have always been in favor of these changes. We have long said that it is necessary to encourage investment, modernize labor standards and eliminate the corporate State, even more so when these public companies are also recording losses.” he added Mauricio Macri in its publication.


In its articles, the ‘Basic Law’ includes the privatization of state-owned companies such as Argentine airlines, Energia Argentina SA (Enarsa), public media and companies responsible for providing water and sewage servicesamong others.

We are in favor of change and transformation, who governs. We must be generous to support those who propose reforms that we consider urgent and structural, even if they are from another party.”, he concluded.

Although the PRO is not part of a libertarian coalition, its former presidential candidate and former party leader Patricia Bullrichholds the position of Minister of Security and weeks ago, during a local event, she asked to join Milei’s party, Advances of Freedom.

Source: Elcomercio

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